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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Activison starting to really milk their games now?

Garnett said:

RockBand has shown there customers that there not about releasing a new game ever year and milking it,they offer DLC and take there time so everyone has the premium RockBand 2,unlike GH.

Sadly, I think that's starting to go out the door now with Rock Band Beatles and Lego Rock Band being released this holiday season. I mean Lego Rock Band, seriously?

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Guitar hero World Tour release date is


October 26, 2008


Guitar Hero Metallica Release date is

March 29th,2009


Less than half a year and already released a new GH game...Milking at its best.

izaaz101 said:
Garnett said:

RockBand has shown there customers that there not about releasing a new game ever year and milking it,they offer DLC and take there time so everyone has the premium RockBand 2,unlike GH.

Sadly, I think that's starting to go out the door now with Rock Band Beatles and Lego Rock Band being released this holiday season. I mean Lego Rock Band, seriously?

Oh yeah, I forgot about Lego Rock Band *shudders*

Activision forgot long time ago what was that made them so great, Activision was founded because Levi came together with four Atari programmers that got sick of Atari's corporate decisions (not giving credit or anything to the designers, being a "by the numbers" company", giving a rats ass about the creative process, etc.)...

Activision became popular because the titles were creative, now after a lot of mergers Activision-Blizzard-Vivendi (or whatever the company is called now) for the most part is a milking machine instead of the super creative one i once knew, i mean a Call of Duty every year??? If it weren't for Infinity Ward that reinvented it the franchise would be dead, and how many Guitar Hero's for year??? they're cool now because of the big names, but soon the people will get tired of spending money 4 times a year for a GH title...

Did no one pay attention to the fact that Modern Warfare 2 is not a Call of Duty game? Modern Warfare is now it's own franchise. Call of Duty will not come out once a year. Modern warfare and Treyarch's call of duty has nothing to do with each other other than they are using Infinity Ward's engine to make both games.

Guitar Hero is being milked, but that's what you have to do with a genre like that. Whether they make 5 games a year or 1 every 2 years the whole genre could be dead within the next 4 or 5 years regardless. Milk it while it's the "In" thing to play.


They need to make a new Gladius game!

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I can see COD sales going down not soon but sometime in the future it could. I hate when Madden come out every year and it be the same thing. Madden sales have gone down a little too. If COD be the same game every year then people will get tired of it and the sales will go down.

What if a GTA game came out every year? Sales would go done for that game too.

What do you mean by starting? :)
They already are biggest cash milking gaming company and even previous milking masters from EA have fallen in their shadow (not to mention they at least produce some new games)


it would be best for them to keep Modern Warfare, Call of Duty and some futuristic warfare game as a separate titles that would be released every 3 years - Modern Warfare in 2009, next Call of Duty in 2010 and futuristic war game in 2011 and then Modern Warfare 3 in 2012. this would keep those series relatively fresh, would give developers enough time to develop really good games and wouldn't tire the audience that fast.
Guitar Hero series is pretty much lost - activision should only release World Tour and 5 and those band specific games should end up only as a DLC.

I feel sorry for Rockband, because the milking of Guitar Hero (Spinoffs such as Aerosmith) will hurt Rockband when they want to make a spinoff of their own.

waron said:
it would be best for them to keep Modern Warfare, Call of Duty and some futuristic warfare game as a separate titles that would be released every 3 years - Modern Warfare in 2009, next Call of Duty in 2010 and futuristic war game in 2011 and then Modern Warfare 3 in 2012. this would keep those series relatively fresh, would give developers enough time to develop really good games and wouldn't tire the audience that fast.
Guitar Hero series is pretty much lost - activision should only release World Tour and 5 and those band specific games should end up only as a DLC.

Agree with the bolded part. They've started by re-branding Infinity Ward's titles as Modern Warfare now, but I suspect they may need to drop the WW2 setting altogether and intoduce a new environment. They've pretty much exhausted every big WW2 battle.