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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ok Guitar Hero is just getting repetitive now with G5 what do you think?

I hope this new Guitar Hero game has some good songs I could really rock to. Most of the guitar hero games i have played have few good songs I could really rock to.


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If you think this is bad...DJ hero...Dosent even have rap songs...rock songs only..

over-saturation will do that :p

I don't see a problem with it. More songs to play. It's just like owning a CD player, want more songs then buy more discs. The "just make them DLC" argument has some merit, as you don't have to switch discs an have a choice on which songs to buy. But, it is limited in that the new discs offer some improvements to the gameplay, and it is cheaper to buy the discs than the individual songs (of course only if you like most of the songs).

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"

Guitar Hero has been dead to me since GHII. All after that were absolute trash.

Imo, Neversoft/Activision killed the series.

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snyperdud said:
Guitar Hero has been dead to me since GHII. All after that were absolute trash.

Imo, Neversoft/Activision killed the series.

Why?  didn't like the songs? or just didn't like that type of game?

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"

venepe said:
snyperdud said:
Guitar Hero has been dead to me since GHII. All after that were absolute trash.

Imo, Neversoft/Activision killed the series.

Why?  didn't like the songs? or just didn't like that type of game?

To me, compared to the setlist of II, the next GHs were a BIG letdown. And GH2 had mostly covers, yet it had a great setlist. Compare it to WT, that had at most 6 or 7 songs worth playing for me....

^Ok, that is a good reason.

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"

Get used to it. It's the new Madden, and then some.

Is it tiresome and beaten to death? Yes. But what can ya' do? People keep buying it, like Dynasty Warriors, but on a bigger scale.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

^ The big difference between GH and Madden or Dynasty Warriors. Is that activision is constantly pushing the perpetuals on us. For example, before my Rock Band II Guitar worked with Guitar Hero 3. This was great, I had 2 guitars and both games. I didn't have to go out and buy additional perpetuals for the games.

But after december 08, maybe earlier. I'm not sure, I hadn't played it in awhile. I downloaded a patch and suddenly my Rock band II guitar didn't work. So now it's what, 50, 70 bucks to get a new guitar just to play with a friend? No thanks.

Every game comes out with new perpetuals that just are lame plastic imitations of actual instruments that jack up the price to jaw-dropping amounts. Last I checked, Guitar Hero: World Tour full box set, with 1 guitar, drums, game and mic retailed around here at 219.99. Twenty dollars more than a arcade xbox 360.

Is that right? I don't think so.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?