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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official The Conduit Thread

Great, because i'm in a mission and since the missions in this game are kind of long i don't think i will finish it by 6 PST

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

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I'm going to try and join back in with you guys in a bit. My nephew was driving me crazy, so I'm letting him play smash bros. for a bit.

I really want to play, too!

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Yeah, same here. I accidentally throw the glass of coke here in the livingroom >_>

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Finally tried multiplayer, its hella fun. I really like ASE football, especially when you wind up catching the ASE out in the middle of nowhere, and it takes people forever to find you.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Can somebody tell me what was the first mode that we play? It suddenly started to give me and take away point from me o.0

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

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wow! good games guys

I'm terrible with that street level so, if we ever go there I'm an easy target. Voltaire and Kenology you guys are awesome...LOL

there for a while I would always end up thinking "hey there's falcon95 (just for reference), I'm gonna throw a..."


*shotgun to my face*

^ falcon095

that was bounty hunter mode. basically only try to kill the person that is labled as your bounty, or the people hunting you. if you kill someone determined to be "innocent" you loose points.

EPIC BATTLES tonight, guys!  That was so much fun...

Voltaire, silentmac, Mr. Khan, Vertigo-X, spdk1, sentaro, and falcon095... we were gettin' it in pretty good!

Bounty Hunter mode was awesome.

Great match. Me and Voltaire kept gaining/losing the lead, but he won anyhow.

Yeah Rof put me through hell trying to find him lol it was 3 guys in complex, it took a while to find each other. Sentaro (?) started kicking ass just as the time ran out :P

Good games everyone.