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Forums - Gaming Discussion - COD 2 Question.

I recently picked up COD 2 for 360.

So I start playing it and I dont remember playing the first 3 missions when I played it on PS2 a few years ago.

I am only on the third mission btw.

So I was wondering is my memory gone or are there extra missions on the 360 one?

Or are they 2 different games?

I know the PS2 one was called big red one.

Any light on it would be appreciated.





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Different games. Big red one was a spin off (or not really a spin off, but a console alternative to CoD 2 for PC. Or was it to CoD 1? Either one.)

Different games. For an achievement hunter it is also a easy game to get all achievements :).


Slimebeast said:
Different games. Big red one was a spin off (or not really a spin off, but a console alternative to CoD 2 for PC)


So this whole game is different then.

Thanks for that I never knew that.

I just took it that both were the same game.

Looking forward to playing it now as I like the COD series and this is one I have not played.






Different games. The one you are referring to is call of duty 2: big red one and the other one is simply call of duty 2. Big red one was specificly designed for xbox 1, PS2 and gamecube. COD2 was made for next gen systems (PS3 and wii weren't released back then) and pc. the 360 version is a bad pc port in terms of coding. Still a nice game though.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


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Lostplanet22 said:
Different games. For an achievement hunter it is also a easy game to get all achievements :).


LOL that was my main reason but now that it is different it means I get to play a COD I never played.

Mind you It is fairly tough on veteran.





It was for me the easiest one to beat on veteran.


Lostplanet22 said:
It was for me the easiest one to beat on veteran.

I only played a couple of missions of WAW on vet and that was hard.

I dont know if I will be able to finish this one on vet.

I am only on the third mission and I am finding it hard going already.

Normally these games get more difficult as you progress so fingers crossed.






How hard is Veteran in CoD 2 compared to WaW, it is fair?

Anyway, CoD Big Red One was made by Treyarch for current gen systems, and I thought it was a good game. Call of Duty 2 was made by Infinity Ward for 360 and PC

Munkeh111 said:
How hard is Veteran in CoD 2 compared to WaW, it is fair?

Anyway, CoD Big Red One was made by Treyarch for current gen systems, and I thought it was a good game. Call of Duty 2 was made by Infinity Ward for 360 and PC

Tough going so far but checkpoints seem fairly generous.

I mean I am dying quite frequently but really enjoying it.

I reckon patience will be a big factor.