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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Consoles are closed off monopolistic piles of BS, there should be only one.

1337 Gamer said:
no more competition means more innovation. God forbid we are still stuck with the NES. Because theres not competition there would be no reason to build a new console EVER!

THis would be the worst idea ever f you think about it. Competition is best for Gamers


 Definitely.  After all, there was no reason to come out with DVD, right?  And no reason for Blu-Ray?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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1337 Gamer said:
no more competition means more innovation. God forbid we are still stuck with the NES. Because theres not competition there would be no reason to build a new console EVER!

THis would be the worst idea ever f you think about it. Competition is best for Gamers



Nah thats not true, technology gets better and Nintendo would have made better hardware to keep the fanbase. They wouldn't have stuck with the same ol' NES cuz people would have got tired of it and would want something new. Thats why they made the SNES.

FreeTalkLive said:
scottie said:

Competition breeds innovation



You saved this thread.  Thank you.


Yes, Thank you

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



Squilliam, the Wii says "Hi!" to you comment. What you see is that, as more money flows into the industry, the industry does more research and attempts to capitalize on trends out there. They then overdo it. Things like controllers do get standardized and the beat goes on. A greater offender is game genres. At this point and time, we have an epidemic of Tower Defense games. There are money types ordering developers to make the a "Tower Defense" game. I went to a local game developer Meetup recently and mentioned the "Tower Defense" epidemic, and one guy said a suit had told him to get him a Tower Defense game.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Dual Shock 4? You mean a SNES pad with analogs on it?

Good point, and well made. :p


Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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I think you mean "oligopoly".

the2bears - the indie shmup blog

Rip Squilliam a new one if you like guys but although he never specifically said it in his OP there is some sense in a common console theme. Assuming his idealistic vision would be a unified console design that any company could manufacture then there would be some huge benefits. One immediate improvement is the saving to the environment through less waste as people would only need to buy one device and ultimately dispose of when finished.

This unified console would also encourage more gamers with a interface that is completely familiar to everyone. A lot of older potential gamers are put off because they refuse to learn to use new controllers everytime a console is released. The Wii changed all this with its seemingly simpler and more natural input method (of course its anything but simple in real world terms).

This idealistic vision in my opinion could be better for gamers but the biggest obstacle is overcoming the gaming community. The simple fact is there will always be competition and bickering with some companies undercutting prices, etc even if you could get them to agree to a standardised system.

Your post does suggest thinking outside of the box Squilliam, it's just not likely to happen in the current very capitalist world we live in (or at least some of us live in ).

Stealth ftw!

nightsurge said:
Rhonin the wizard said:

KBG29 said:


I'm not going to bother to reply to everything, because I realise there is no way I can change your mind.

However, answer me this, why would Nintendo give up on one of their biggest strengths, being an integrated hardware and software company, add the fact that they make profit from hardware and royalty fees, for this move? Because I can't think of how they would benefit from this.

And I don't believe this would get rid of consumer confusion, rather it would increase it, because there could be about a dozen variations each with different functions.

And there already exists a platform like the one you are describing, it's called a PC.

With one basic console made in different variations that can all play the same games, Nintendo would essentially double if not triple their potential customer base for software sales.  Not to mention they could still produce their own version of this one console, or their own add-ons and make money off of those sales.  Most of the money would be made off of software, where everyone knows that's the biggest money maker anyway.

I agree it may cause some confusion when making the decision from say 12 different variations of the same console, but the consumer would no longer have to worry about which games work and which friends he will be able to play with, so in the end regardless of what they choose, they will be able to do these important things no matter what.

This is why the PC is so successful and if consoles really want to take a jab into the PC's huge gaming market, this is the way to go.


To say that this would cause more consumer confusion is mind boggling. That is like saying that seeing 100 differant TV's, 60 differant DVD players, and 30 differant stereos is confusing. Everyone knows a CD player plays CD's no matter what company makes it, people know TV's play most anything that they want to display on them, and they know that if they buy a DVD player it will play DVD's. <br /><br />

The problem with the PC is it is not one unifide closed system. It is a completly open and evolving platform. That is why PC's have not had as much success with gaming as consoles. It is way to confusing to most consumers. People see Crysis and they pick it up because it looks cool. Just to find out that their system is not compatable with it. Even some people that look into spending big money on PC's turn away quickly because within a few months a update becomes required, and it is not as simple as click here to update.<br /><br />

@Rhonin<br /><br />

Perhapps it will not be up to Nintendo. If third parties are smart they will say this is what is going to happen, and if you want our support then this is the way it will be. If MS and Sony decide that they will do it because they have to, then Nintendo will be either forced out, or have to join in.




Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


The Ghost of RubangB said:
Sony made a Sixaxis because Nintendo made a Wii remote. Sony made a DualShock because Nintendo made a SNES controller and a Nintendo 64 controller and Sony wanted to see what their babies would look like.

So competition makes Nintendo want to innovate control schemes, and competition makes Sony want to catch up.


Sony obviously worked on the sixaxis for more than a day. Stop spreading lies.


Also they perfected the controller design with the original dualshock :p that's why it's so much better than all other controllers.

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