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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people say GT is leagues ahead of Forza?

Gran Turismo - 96
Gran Turismo 2 - 93
Gran Turismo 3-A spec - 95
Gran Turismo 4 -8 89 (basically 90)

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Leonidus said:
Gran Turismo - 96
Gran Turismo 2 - 93
Gran Turismo 3-A spec - 95
Gran Turismo 4 -8 89 (basically 90)


 Unfortunately for GT series it was pretty much alone for the first 3. As of GT4 it's had competition to deal with, of which it's been losing against. Forza came along in GT4's era. And Shift looks to join the barrage as well.

selnor said:
Leonidus said:
Gran Turismo - 96
Gran Turismo 2 - 93
Gran Turismo 3-A spec - 95
Gran Turismo 4 -8 89 (basically 90)


 Unfortunately for GT series it was pretty much alone for the first 3. As of GT4 it's had competition to deal with, of which it's been losing against. Forza came along in GT4's era. And Shift looks to join the barrage as well.

forza sold more than GT4?! When?


why dont you talk to professional racers they have used gran turismo to learn tracks before they go race them how much better could a racing game be professionals use it as a learning tool

The problem I see in the posts in this thread is that a lot of people are trying to say that GT5 will be so much better than Forza...compared to Forza 2. And people saying that Forza 2 is so much better than GT are comaring it to GT4. The real comparison is going to be GT5 vs. Forza 3 and in that regard we really know very little, but we can all assume that both franchises are going to step up their games (literaly) and once they're both released, hopefully around the same time, we'll actually be able to compare them directly.

Consoles Owned: Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, N64, Gamecube, Wii, XBOX360

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Leonidus said

Gran Turismo - 96
Gran Turismo 2 - 93
Gran Turismo 3-A spec - 95
Gran Turismo 4 -8 89 (basically 90)

Well thats the problem of the GT franshise it hasnt evolved what it did in the ps1 era was mindblowing for the time (on consoles cause on the pc it was a diferent story),the first on ps2 was more of the same but it added a huge graphical updade that made id still stand out but when poliphony takes for yeard to develop GT4 and only adds more cars and tracks and keeps the game exactly the same its taking it a a step to far

so for me its like this we had so far 2 GT main games GT1 and GT3 an that basis the new GT5 will be the 3rd step forward for the series and its about time to

Brun2003 said:
why dont you talk to professional racers they have used gran turismo to learn tracks before they go race them how much better could a racing game be professionals use it as a learning tool

you don't get what i'm saying.  That doesn't make it better than forza especially when the same exact thing could be said for forza.


My question to all of you is as follows. Why the hell does the meta rating, or sales have any place in the argument of which game is better? are you that much of a fanboy that you have to pull that worn out argument from the sewer in which it belongs? Also, for those saying Professional race car drivers used GT to "learn" tracks, I ask, who? Who has used the game? And even more importantly, why? What would the benefit be? Even if they are using an expensive racing wheel the game would not have the same feel as the track, the cars, while closely matched, would not feel like their own car. So lets face it, putting aside sales and game ratings, anybody with an objective bone in their body could not argue that the games (aside from a few miner differences) are not the same.

Past Avatar picture!!!

Don't forget your helmet there, Master Chief!

ironman said:
My question to all of you is as follows. Why the hell does the meta rating, or sales have any place in the argument of which game is better? are you that much of a fanboy that you have to pull that worn out argument from the sewer in which it belongs? Also, for those saying Professional race car drivers used GT to "learn" tracks, I ask, who? Who has used the game? And even more importantly, why? What would the benefit be? Even if they are using an expensive racing wheel the game would not have the same feel as the track, the cars, while closely matched, would not feel like their own car. So lets face it, putting aside sales and game ratings, anybody with an objective bone in their body could not argue that the games (aside from a few miner differences) are the same.

Not going to argue with any of you but i thought i would point out that Trulli used Gran Turismo as well as other F1 drivers to learn tracks such as suzuka. Its not about the car or how to drive its about learing breaking points and break markers. GT designs their tracks as a spliting image to the real tracks. Here is an article.

full story here:

As for my feelings your right they are both the same game but just on a different system. Both simulate racing to a degree and do it well. Its just they are exclusives so fanboys will fight to hell freezes over and beyond to prove a point that will never be proven.


Another reason why.



This is Not a Game

By Sam Philip
May 13 `09|0 Comments

You don't drop a novice into the middle of the 24-hour race in your Nissan 350Z race car. At 3 a.m., 13 hours into the race, with 80-odd racers piling round the track, overtaking, undertaking, three abreast, this is a dangerous place to be. There's no reset button here, no second chance. One slip, one lapse in concentration, and it's not only your own car that'll be reduced to splintered, pointy pieces, but potentially a million bucks worth of other people's metal, too. Not to mention the drivers. So why the hell is 23-year-old Lucas Ordoñez, an easygoing MBA student from Spain who'd never driven a race car until six months ago, behind the wheel of this 350Z in the middle of this nighttime scrum? And how the hell is he nailing lap after lap within a couple of tenths of his teammate, former F1 ace Johnny Herbert?



"Drivers here told me that I achieved in six months what thousands of drivers don't achieve in 15 years. Gran Turismo gave me a lot of experience to be consistent in my laps, to know the perfect line and give me references for every braking point."

Kazunori Yamauchi is in Dubai, watching Lucas cross the finish line. He is impressed. "I always believed that someone good at GT could drive as fast as a professional," he says. "In fact, I think that they could go even faster."

Sounds like a challenge for anyone thinking of having a shot at the GT Academy this year, a competition Darren promises will be even bigger. Get involved. Settle that pub debate for good.