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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should Sony drop the PS2 to focus more on the PS3?

I would rather Sony focus on getting their Online service where it belongs. Home is… where, exactly? Right. If customers want PS2 support, Sony already has a solution: buy a PS2. They’re cheap.

Much more importantly: customers who want to buy a PS2 are not the same who want to invest in a PS3… so achieving 100% perfect PS2 emulation on a PS3 is pointless, because Sony would lose those PS2-only shoppers. If they actually wanted (or could afford) a PS3, they would have done so already.

No, the only real solution is for Sony to focus on increasing marketshare on the PS3 by creating or buying exclusive content, while at the same time let the PS2 run its course. Sony is already doing everything they need to do. What they REALLY need to do is lower the price of the PS3 by $100 to make every Xbox 360-only owner pick one up. If more units are in core gamer’s hands, then the easier it will be for some developers to provide more exclusive content.

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Those who buy a ps2 this late in the game will probably buy a ps3 too, late in the game.

austin2359 said:
Those who buy a ps2 this late in the game will probably buy a ps3 too, late in the game.


Only if the software is the same. The PS2 developed the “everyman’s library” once it became clear that it was the default platform for casual and core gamer alike. However, the PS3 currently isn’t developing the same library… primarily because software developers have another choice that they didn’t have before: the Wii. If the Wii becomes more profitable for casual game developers in the near future, then what we *could* see is the Wii having the long tail this generation of hardware instead of the PS3.

Unlike the PS2, the PS3 and the Xbox 360 primarily cater to the core market (which also explains why their sell-in numbers are half that of the Wii). With this generation of hardware reaching its half-life, it’s unlikely that the core and casual gamer markets will shift much, if at all, in the next 3 years… no matter whatever price drops occur. For all intents and purposes, the “positions” of the hardware race are pretty much fixed at this point. Any move one hardware manufacturer makes to gain marketshare, its competitors can easily counter to keep them in place.

What we’re likely to see five to six years from now are shoppers who would pick up the PS2 today, picking up a Wii.

YES! Screw profit!! Drop the PS2, and make more PS3 games RIGHT NOW!!! Profit is overrated!!!! If $ony cared about the fans they would support the PS3 only and until oblivion!!!!!