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Forums - Sony Discussion - When is the sony tgs conferance ???

BOMBSHELL!! HOME delayed to '08!

"He's just talking about it, not showing it - or going into it or anything. It was originally scheduled for this year, he says, but it's been delayed - it's due in spring next year instead "so we can truly meet the needs and feedback of the users".

Gesta Non Verba

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He's just talking about it, not showing it - or going into it or anything. It was originally scheduled for this year, he says, but it's been delayed - it's due in spring next year instead "so we can truly meet the needs and feedback of the users".


Plenty of ways. I don't even see how my statement was negative. The PS3 is a pain to develop for (hence why they need to put attention towards it.) This should mean the PS3 should get more third party support as people who would shy away from PS3 games because of it being a pain will have support and might change their mind.

That's a positive statement.

Thats not fair the japanese store has over 100times the amount of content we do at this time!



How long is the Keynote scheduled? An hour?

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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Access ps store via PC now!

So, I guess announce disappointments first, megaton's last?

we can now acces the ps store fomr the pc.. wtf is the point of having it on the ps3 then?




Actually, from the comments added after that, it seems as if you can plug your PSP into a PC, and then access the store. Damn eurogamer, confusing me. lol.