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Forums - Sony Discussion - Lair Impressions

Good comments, it's not a system seller game that's for sure.

I'm surprised there was negative impressions in this thread, I was expecting more from you CK!!

Wait until you get to the bit where you have to pick up the cow things in the valley, I played that bit and that bit only and wow... made me hate the game even more than I already do.

Well, hey, its pretty!

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Lets just drop the wii-mote debate, as it's only making people angry. I can't debate right when angry, plus it's off-topic anyway.

grandmaster192 said:
Rath said:

Is that sarcasm or are you talking out of your arse?

To quote the metroid prime 3 review on IGN 'Controls better than any console first-person game before it'.

Let me guess. I'm talking out of my ass because it's Nintendo? Or because it sells the most, right? I guess I'm supposed to think that the Wii is invincible because of this, right? The Wii doesn't have the number of buttons needed to play some games, and it's lack of second analog stick really hurts it. The wii-mote really limits what games can be good on the Wii.

 'the Wii can't play games as good as the other consoles'

Thats what made me say you were talking out of your arse, because you stated it as if ALL games were worse on the Wii due to controls whereas the reality is that some are worse and some are better.

If you meant that some games cant work as well on the Wii due to the control scheme I completely agree with you, its why some games such as SSBB have to use the classic or GC controllers as the Wii control scheme simply wouldnt be as good. 

Rath, that's exactly what I meant. Some games just won't work with the Wii-mote.

I just got Lair from gamefly the other day as well so I can finally have my opinions about it. The reviewers made it sound so bad (especially IGN) and they make it sound worse than what it actually is. I don't know where they're trouble was, but my experience with Lair wasn't as bad as reviewers seem to make it.

When it comes to the controls, they're not perfect, but they're quite easy to learn. You mainly have to remember that a little slower (not quick jerks) and smooth movements is the way to play Lair and apart from not being able to pull off the 180 degree turn 100% of the time, it's okay. Don't totally believe IGN's review either, I had almost no trouble with the targeting system. Sure, it only targets one thing at a time and you can't change the target, but if you can position yourself correctly, you don't have to worry that much about it targeting something you didn't want to. Not to mention that when it targets, there will be a white aura around it, but if you press L1 or R1, the camera will lock onto it. IGN must not have given any time to even try to get used to it. Like I said, I had very little trouble with the controls compared to IGN where all they did was bitch at them.

Now is Lair a great game? Not exactly, but it's not just because of the controls that it's not such a great game. The acting for the most part is okay, but it's not great. Some of the dialog you hear people yell during battle can get a little annoying, but it's not as bad as other games such as Dynasty Warriors.

I agree with cklmb when it comes to the cut-scenes and such, the cut-scenes between and during levels kind of break it up a little too much that it's a little difficult to find the flow between some levels and it gets annoying to have the action stopped to be reminded that something is happening when you're trying to take care of it.

The graphics are nice, and the environments aren't as others peg it when they say that all it has is brown. I did happen to notice some interesting clipping whenever I died. You fall off the dragon when you die and it's kind of funny to watch him fall through the ground and off the level. The frame rate isn't perfect, but it's not game breaking.

My two biggest complaints about the game are its length and ending. I beat Lair in two sittings, which amounts to about 5-6 hours. Not only that, the final level was pretty boring when it came to the final parts of it.

In all, I wouldn't say it's an amazing game, but it is decent enough and I don't agree with reviewers who say it's a piece of crap. I do believe though that the controls can be more of a love/hate or get used to them/hate type of thing though. However, I would probably give lair a 6.0-6.5 out of 10 (anything more might be pushing it a little bit).

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As for the radar thing, cklmb and 1up complained about it. I didn't find it to be a huge problem. It would have helped a little bit though. I would have at least settled for on-screen indicators to mark the objective areas.

grandmaster192 said:
Rath, that's exactly what I meant. Some games just won't work with the Wii-mote.

 Which is why developers have the option to use other controllers.

To Each Man, Responsibility

^lol thats pretty funny