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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are there any {GOOD} games besides uncharted 2 coming to ps3 this year?

Big_Boring_Black_Box said:
I own:

Quake 4
Halo 3
and some multiplatform games, but my favorite is Gears of war.

Xbox exclusives are more interesting to me than ps3 exclusives.

I would buy a ps3, but I don't see any games worth the purchase, and I was never into metal gear, I like games that are more grounded in realism.

The only games on ps3 that got my interest since launch has been only the motorstorm series and uncharted.






Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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Killzone 2 played it just an average game behind those pretty graphics not worth it and warhawk though it looks cool didn't play enough of it to care.

Dark_Rulez89 said:
Lol at your name People these days...There are multiplats you Know.....On the PS3


LOL, I know, but don't give me all the credit, I got the idea from another member right here on vg chartz his name is loud_hot_white_box, LOL, funny too, my name is just a counter action to his.

Big_Boring_Black_Box said:
Dark_Rulez89 said:
Lol at your name People these days...There are multiplats you Know.....On the PS3


LOL, I know, but don't give me all the credit, I got the idea from another member right here on vg chartz his name is loud_hot_white_box, LOL, funny too, my name is just a counter action to his.


Which in and on itself speaks volumes of your intent. Lock requested.

Big_Boring_Black_Box said:
Killzone 2 played it just an average game behind those pretty graphics not worth it and warhawk though it looks cool didn't play enough of it to care.



It's all your subjective opinion. What's objective is that there are a lot of games coming out for the PS3 this year, and that there are plenty of people who are interested in each one of them.

So if the question is if there's any PS3 games expected to come out 2009 that are expected to be {GOOD} by you, then probably not, as you sadly seem to be biased against the PS3.

If the question is if there's any PS3 games expected to come out 2009 that are expected to be {GOOD} by at least a million people, then probably yes.

Your posts remind me of the Sony fanboy who made the thread "*sigh* I have a 360" and lamented and whined about everything, or the guy who posted a KZ2 walkthrough and seemed like he was just trying to make the game seem awful, commentating on every little thing.

I'm going to probably buy an 360 Arcade, once I get a job and the price goes down, so I can make sure I don't miss out on anything. Imagine, a decade later, and me not playing one of the cultural icons of video games (Halo).

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I can tell this isn't an honest question. Thread locked alty.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.