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Forums - Sales Discussion - If it does end up being Forza vs GT5 at Christmas (I know how original)

Is this even debatable? GT5 will MURDER Forza 3 in sales.

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Around mid 2008 they were saying that GT5 was still over like a year and a half away so I doubt it's coming out in 2009.  Anyways, I think GT5 will outsell Forza by alot.  Their average scores on metacritic are like less than a point from each so I doubt one will be a drastically better game than the other.

Forza 1 sold like 1 million copies and Forza 2 sold 4 million, but I think that's only cuz it was a bundled game for a long time.  Meanwhile, the GT5 Demo sells 3 million copies and the lowest selling real deal GT release moved over 9 million units.

Gran Turismo 5 to double FORZA3 sales, easily.


GT5 will sell more in 1 week than what forza 3 will sell its entire lifetime.

boxydancer said:
Is this even debatable? GT5 will MURDER Forza 3 in sales.


for fanboys anything is debatable but your right gt5 WILL murder forza 3 in sales. there isnt even a slight possibility of forza 3 ever outselling gt5 in a given week if you ask me

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boxydancer said:
Is this even debatable? GT5 will MURDER Forza 3 in sales.


for fanboys anything is debatable but your right gt5 WILL murder forza 3 in sales. there isnt even a slight possibility of forza 3 ever outselling gt5 in a given week if you ask me

That part aint true, bundles + pricecuts could help in later times.


GT5 will double the sales of forza

Is this like a nOOb thread or somethin'? Look at it like this.; Forza 2 sold around 3 mill, which around 2 mill of that was bundeled. The demo that is GT5 Prologe has sold around 3 mill, not including any downloads! Lets say GT5P is around 4 mill with DL. If the demo sells 4 mill, what is the full game going do... less?

There is some real funny shit here and some deep wishful thinking.

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

RPG said:
yo_john117 said:
twingo said:
yo_john117 said:
Killzowned said:
Gran Turismo will destroy Forza in sales and quality.

you don't know that...



But given what history shows GT being of higher quality is the educated guess. 

Yamauchi is a perfectionist.

2. Playstation 2: Gran Turismo 4 (2005) 89 
Sony Computer Entertainment America

3. Playstation 3: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (2008) 80 
Sony Computer Entertainment

6. Playstation 2: Gran Turismo 4: Prologue (2004) 70 
Sony Computer Entertainment

what? >_>


WOW 2 prologues ang an 89, reaching are you not? Unless your trying to be funny of course.


nope just simply proving him  wrong nothing more...

Nobody can say GT5 will be better than Forza 3, we can't know that.

Now if he would have said i think GT will be better than Forza 3, that would have been acceptable.


HanzoTheRazor said:
Is this like a nOOb thread or somethin'? Look at it like this.; Forza 2 sold around 3 mill, which around 2 mill of that was bundeled. The demo that is GT5 Prologe has sold around 3 mill, not including any downloads! Lets say GT5P is around 4 mill with DL. If the demo sells 4 mill, what is the full game going do... less?

There is some real funny shit here and some deep wishful thinking.


Forza 2 was a class act and it would have gathered a large fan base. There is always a chance it could happen, look at FIFA which used to struggle to match PES sales yet beat it this year. It could be that people don't care for GT and go for Forza which is about as good but on a much cheaper system.

It could be Forza 3 releases a couple weeks or months before GT5 and steals some sales from it or GT5 does in a week what Forza 3 does in 3 months. There is no knowing however Forza is a quality franchise, there is no reason that with some good old MS marketing Forza 3 could outsell GT5 in NA and be close to GT5 in EU.

Then again Sony could have there rubbish marketing team make a 30 second advert with "GT5" on the logo and the game could do 2 million first week. Nothing but guesstimations......