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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why so exited about Red Steel 2?

I own three Ubisoft-published games for my Wii and they've all delivered. Why should I be pissed off at them? Am I supposed to be angry because they also make products I don't want to buy? I've already punished them for that by not buying those games.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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I'm gonna wait for reviews to see if its good.


You shouldn't buy games period. All companies want to make money off your head. It's the reason for their existence. It's also called business.

I'm excited because it's a first person hardcore game with sword fighting using the Motion+.

Of course I'd rather it was coming from a dev who I trusted...but then again there are very few 3rd party devs making wii games who can be trusted.

I'm excited for it. The Conduit will be the game that takes up most of my multiplayer time. Red Steel 2 looks like its going to be a very unique single player experience.

"Pier was a chef, a gifted and respected chef who made millions selling his dishes to the residents of New York City and Boston, he even had a famous jingle playing in those cities that everyone knew by heart. He also had a restaurant in Los Angeles, but not expecting LA to have such a massive population he only used his name on that restaurant and left it to his least capable and cheapest chefs. While his New York restaurant sold kobe beef for $100 and his Boston restaurant sold lobster for $50, his LA restaurant sold cheap hotdogs for $30. Initially these hot dogs sold fairly well because residents of los angeles were starving for good food and hoped that the famous name would denote a high quality, but most were disappointed with what they ate. Seeing the success of his cheap hot dogs in LA, Pier thought "why bother giving Los Angeles quality meats when I can oversell them on cheap hotdogs forever, and since I don't care about the product anyways, why bother advertising them? So Pier continued to only sell cheap hotdogs in LA and was surprised to see that they no longer sold. Pier's conclusion? Residents of Los Angeles don't like food."

"The so-called "hardcore" gamer is a marketing brainwashed, innovation shunting, self-righteous idiot who pays videogame makers far too much money than what is delivered."

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B/c i loved the first one. I know, the first should have been polished more.... that's why i'm excited about this one. I'm sure Ubisoft learned from there mistakes. So... i hope a good game comes out. I'm really excited about it.

Personally I really liked Red Steel, except the sword fighting got really annoying later in the game (for me). If the swordfighting is improved and nothing else, that's still a day one purchase for me.

However, I do expect the IR controls to be much tighter, motion utilized more intelligently (although I liked waggling to pick up guns/open doors/etc) and the entire game to be more flushed out and have online multiplayer (sword only levels please!) plus split-screen like the first one. Co-op would also be great.


Gamerace said:
Personally I really liked Red Steel, except the sword fighting got really annoying later in the game (for me). If the swordfighting is improved and nothing else, that's still a day one purchase for me.

However, I do expect the IR controls to be much tighter, motion utilized more intelligently (although I liked waggling to pick up guns/open doors/etc) and the entire game to be more flushed out and have online multiplayer (sword only levels please!) plus split-screen like the first one. Co-op would also be great.


Sorry to disappoint you but there is no multiplayer in this one.



    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Because even average game can turn into great one  K1 -> K2 Will RS2? I doubt it.

Roma said:
Gamerace said:
Personally I really liked Red Steel, except the sword fighting got really annoying later in the game (for me). If the swordfighting is improved and nothing else, that's still a day one purchase for me.

However, I do expect the IR controls to be much tighter, motion utilized more intelligently (although I liked waggling to pick up guns/open doors/etc) and the entire game to be more flushed out and have online multiplayer (sword only levels please!) plus split-screen like the first one. Co-op would also be great.


Sorry to disappoint you but there is no multiplayer in this one.



And that may make this one a rental instead of a purchase now.  Sad.  Good news for Conduit I suppose.