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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Homosexuality In Games?

Onyxmeth said:

What character from Metal Gear Solid 2/3/4 was gay? I can't recall any.



Metal Gear Solid 2 Vamp is Bisexual, even snake says he his. In 4 Vamp is obviously with Naomi but he's bi so it doesn't matter. MGS 3 Colonel Volgin and his gay lover Major Raikov (you know the one who looks like Raiden).

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Here's a few gay characters I noticed. Not sure if they've been posted or not.

Tony from Mother 2/Earthbound is gay, and of course the Magyspies from Mother 3 have no gender. Zangief from Street Fighter, 'dislikes beautiful blonde women'. And well, everything about Cho Aniki. Although in Japan a gay stereotype for men are big muscley bodybuilders...hence the entire premise for Cho Anaki, but still.

Marcus and Dom are definitively bromosexual though.

not in my america you don't


The Ghost of RubangB said:

There's also a trans character in Streets of Rage, that was supposed to be male in Japan but female in America.

You have that backwards.

Her name is Poison.  She was a girl in the original Japanese version and wore skimpy clothes.  When they localized the game, the reaction to beating on women would have been too negative so they changed the outfit a bit and retconned her to a transexual.

Khuutra said:
Xxain said:
heres what im trying to say, if we have charcters that interpreted as gay whats it does it matter??? all these guys who look like girls charcters

....Being effiminate does not make you gay.

i like girl drinks =P.


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not that big of a deal IMO but it has to be handled correctly and cant be the single defining thing about the character.

Long Live SHIO!

Lightning_24 said:

I wanted to find an article about it but i couldn't. Hearing about the Bioware thing that is going on now, I thought i would pose the question.


Are people ready for a gay main character? I don't mean lesbians, because we all know most straight guys wouldn't mind it.


Here are some examples of games that have gay characters:

Valkyria Chronicles

Fable I/II

Jade Empire

KOTOR (I can't remember if there was one in the second)

Deus Ex

Persona 4

Enchanted Arms


Fear Effect 2


Mass Effect

Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit

Chrono Trigger

Metal Gear Solid 2/3/4


I'm sure there are some i am missing but thats all i can think of now.


So are people ready? I'm not saying the main character has to be overtly gay. I don't mean a stereotype. I mean a regular guy, who has an epic backstory and epic quest, but is gay. Would you play the game if it was that EPIC?

I don't want to make people mad or anything, i'm sure i will with this statement, but i have seen people say Marcus Fenix of Gears could be gay. I have never played the game so you will have to enlighten me.


Would find Nathans sense of humor less funny in Uncharted if Nathan Drake was a "guys man" instead of a "ladies man?"

If in Dead Space instead of Isaac Clarke was going after his boyfriend instead of his girlfriend would you have liked it less?


Edit: Added more games


Most of the ones you listed are either player choices or extreamly over the top AKA comic relief.

Why do people have to be ready? I don't get it. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality at all.

I like Bacon said:
Why do people have to be ready? I don't get it. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality at all.




I like Bacon said:
Why do people have to be ready? I don't get it. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality at all.


Yes, because the rest of the world thinks like you.