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Forums - Sony Discussion - VGchartz's Demon's Souls thread

You can upgrade your shield and weapon(s) at the blacksmith. There is a blacksmith in the nexus who does basic upgrades, as well as a blacksmith in the start of 2-1 who does more advanced ones. Don't worry too much about armour.

Spoiler: There is a crescent falcion in 4-1 that will be VERY useful since you are a royal. You get a damage bonus based on your magic level with it.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

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outlawauron said:
@ Onii

Woo! Another Wanderer!

I'm using a Sharp Kilij +2. It's sexy and I love it.


Yeah im enjoying the Wandere atm. Im making him a ranged one so getting the materials for the Ultimate bow. ^^

I have already finished the game twice with a Royal and Theif and loved using the theif so thought why not try a wanderer since he has more atk power then the theif. I do miss the thiefs parry though. :(

@axumblade - you 'was' a magic class? Finish it or stop playing?

axumblade said:
Oniichan said:
@axumblade - you 'was' a magic class? Finish it or stop playing?

uhhh...we'll go with the I was a magic class last time i played....yesterday. lol :-p



Ah! haha.. add my PSN and we can party up. A wanderer and magic user should be fun ^^

Once you get poison cloud and a few other AoE (area of effect) spells you become unstoppable.

^^ only level 22. What are you? cause i can level quickly in this game.

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axumblade said:
Oniichan said:
^^ only level 22. What are you? cause i can level quickly in this game.

I think I'm 43. Haven't gotten on today though so I may be off a little lol.

ah ok then its time for me to grind some Red Eyes at 1.1 for 2000 souls each


axumblade said:
Oniichan said:
axumblade said:
Oniichan said:
^^ only level 22. What are you? cause i can level quickly in this game.

I think I'm 43. Haven't gotten on today though so I may be off a little lol.

ah ok then its time for me to grind some Red Eyes at 1.1 for 2000 souls each


I like going to 4-1 and kill the skeleton guards. good way to get quick souls minus the drama of going through those pesky weaker enemies. :p

oh thats true.. though 4-2 (or was it 4-3 ah its been awhile) is better. Can get easy souls then.


I'm up to 33 now. My internet was down last night and that's why I couldn't play with any yous.

I've gone through so much frustration with the giant in 4-1.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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I wasted like 40k Souls last night leveling up. -_-

So last night, I got around 9k Souls, and decided to level up my Strength. It said I would get no increase this time, but I figured it would go up next time (as it often skips a level). So I go up a point, and look at what'll happen next, and it says my attack STILL won't go up. It'll will just stay at 182.

So for curiosity's sake, I grinded some more, earned 10k Souls, and upped Strength again. Nothing. The next upgrade still won't change my attack stat. =/

Is 182 just my max or something? I'm only at 24 Str (and was at 22 before this).

Anywho, I then decided to upgrade my dexterity by 2 (10 > 12) so that I could use this composite long bow I found. I do that, and both times neither my Attack nor my Experience goes up, and it says that even if I up it one more level, nothing will change.

So 40k Souls, and all that changed is my PhysDef and my ability to use this bow. -_-

I've gotten absolutely nowhere in the past week. I'm starting to get rather frustrated.

Btw, I'm level 41 now.

MM, you need to level your weapon so that it becomes "quality" or something of that sort, as quality/sharp/etc weapons have modifiers that increase damage based on your stats. I have a crescent weapon which gives me +75 damage based on my magic stat.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka