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I wasted like 40k Souls last night leveling up. -_-

So last night, I got around 9k Souls, and decided to level up my Strength. It said I would get no increase this time, but I figured it would go up next time (as it often skips a level). So I go up a point, and look at what'll happen next, and it says my attack STILL won't go up. It'll will just stay at 182.

So for curiosity's sake, I grinded some more, earned 10k Souls, and upped Strength again. Nothing. The next upgrade still won't change my attack stat. =/

Is 182 just my max or something? I'm only at 24 Str (and was at 22 before this).

Anywho, I then decided to upgrade my dexterity by 2 (10 > 12) so that I could use this composite long bow I found. I do that, and both times neither my Attack nor my Experience goes up, and it says that even if I up it one more level, nothing will change.

So 40k Souls, and all that changed is my PhysDef and my ability to use this bow. -_-

I've gotten absolutely nowhere in the past week. I'm starting to get rather frustrated.

Btw, I'm level 41 now.