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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fanboys that defy logic.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Akvod said:

You bought an HD tv, for plaing HD games, watching HD Tv, but not HD movies???

Aren't you being in a bit of fanboy denial yourself? Honestly, if Bluray became as expensive as DVDs are now, you'll still buy a cheaper DVD, because you don't care about movies in HD? Or all of a sudden, owning movies doesn't appeal to you now, as it did during the SD era, and it's all about Netflix?

Reaching, aren't you? I said I didn't like Sony's strategy. I didn't say I would rather watch my movies in SD. Sony made gamers become early adopters which costs us money that casual adopters won't have to pay. We paid for their format, just to own a PS3, because Sony knew we would. If I didn't want to have a Blu-Ray player bundled with my console(which I have to pay for, btw), then I couldn't pick the PS3. If I HAD to have a PS3, I had to be an early adopter of their new movie format, which I had to pay for. It's a simple marketing scheme. Contrary to your beliefs, not everyone "should want" a Blu-Ray machine just because they have an HDTV. Especially if the BR machine is gonna make them pay an extra 200 bucks on top of their already expensive video-game console.

I'm don't download games online, and I'm not paying for XBL. I'm not in "fanboy denial." You just failed to grasp my meaning, and you are upset because I don't like the same things you like. Stop posting off topic, lets steer the discussion in a more positive direction.

Don't call me a fanboy, btw.

I see, I inferred too much, sorry. I think Sony has done the right choice in the long term though, as once the economy picks up again, there's going to be a shit load of 720/1080p HD tvs over stocked in Best Buys, waiting to be sold off at a ridiculous price, along with over stocked Bluray players which would have gotten cheaper over time anyways.

The biggest obstacle in Bluray is, as you said the price of Bluray players, disks, and HD tvs. I say that as soon as that is overcomed, which is guarunteed with time, Sony's investment will finally pay off (I don't know what percentage they have in it O.o, so considering that you might be right). I think that the next definition will take a while, due to everything slowing down with the economic recession, and the ridiculous boom the current set of definitions will experience after a economic upturn.

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Magera said:
Akvod said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Fei-Hung said:
@Zen Im so sorry bout getting your name wrong, but on a positive note I'm very happy you have a new avatar that is not Clive Owen. I can finally watch a Clive Owen films without remembering you and thinking he hates all things Sony this generation LOL


lol, I never hated Sony, I just don't like their Blu-Ray introduction strategy.


Didn't that strategy let them win the HD format war?


I wouldn't call that a win.  The amount of $$$ they have lost on it; it has currently not become the dominent medium like they expected and is struggling to gain worthwhile marketshare vs DVD; and SONY themselves say it's going to beging being fased out by 2012 = Not a profitable or smart move.


MS and Toshiba spent gobs, too, and will have no revenue stream to show for it.

megaman2, barozi, leo-j.

Everyone on page 6 (page 6 if you're viewing 10 posts at a time)= fanboy of some sort :o

View 10 post at a time???? You have to at least view 50 or you are still a newbie..........

Around the Network

Good list I agree with pretty much all of them. Sure there are many more , but yeah you pretty much rounded up the bottom of the Chartz barrel. I think most people who have been banned fit the bill.

XBL: WiiVault Wii: PM me  PSN: WiiVault

PC: AMD Athlon II Quadcore 635 (OC to 4.0ghz) , ATI Radeon 5770 1GB (x2)

MacBook Pro C2D 2.8ghz, 9600m GT 512 iMac: C2D 2.0, X2600XT 256


Akvod said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Akvod said:

You bought an HD tv, for plaing HD games, watching HD Tv, but not HD movies???

Aren't you being in a bit of fanboy denial yourself? Honestly, if Bluray became as expensive as DVDs are now, you'll still buy a cheaper DVD, because you don't care about movies in HD? Or all of a sudden, owning movies doesn't appeal to you now, as it did during the SD era, and it's all about Netflix?

Reaching, aren't you? I said I didn't like Sony's strategy. I didn't say I would rather watch my movies in SD. Sony made gamers become early adopters which costs us money that casual adopters won't have to pay. We paid for their format, just to own a PS3, because Sony knew we would. If I didn't want to have a Blu-Ray player bundled with my console(which I have to pay for, btw), then I couldn't pick the PS3. If I HAD to have a PS3, I had to be an early adopter of their new movie format, which I had to pay for. It's a simple marketing scheme. Contrary to your beliefs, not everyone "should want" a Blu-Ray machine just because they have an HDTV. Especially if the BR machine is gonna make them pay an extra 200 bucks on top of their already expensive video-game console.

I'm don't download games online, and I'm not paying for XBL. I'm not in "fanboy denial." You just failed to grasp my meaning, and you are upset because I don't like the same things you like. Stop posting off topic, lets steer the discussion in a more positive direction.

Don't call me a fanboy, btw.

I see, I inferred too much, sorry. I think Sony has done the right choice in the long term though, as once the economy picks up again, there's going to be a shit load of 720/1080p HD tvs over stocked in Best Buys, waiting to be sold off at a ridiculous price, along with over stocked Bluray players which would have gotten cheaper over time anyways.

The biggest obstacle in Bluray is, as you said the price of Bluray players, disks, and HD tvs. I say that as soon as that is overcomed, which is guarunteed with time, Sony's investment will finally pay off (I don't know what percentage they have in it O.o, so considering that you might be right). I think that the next definition will take a while, due to everything slowing down with the economic recession, and the ridiculous boom the current set of definitions will experience after a economic upturn.

That's a fair opinion, and I respect it. I disagree to a certain extent, but if we agreed on everything, we would have nothing to talk about. ;D

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Hey, I demand to be taken off the list, lol. Either that, or spell my name right.

How am I on the list, with no Leo-J or PaulWarren?

Also, I'm more of a foeboy than a fanboy. What console am I a fanboy of, btw, the DS, Wii, 360, PS2, PS1, or SNES?

ALSO, I'm also very logical in most of my arguments. I took a couple of trolling bans and I'm in the top 10? I thought most of you didn't even know who I was.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
Hey, I demand to be taken off the list, lol. Either that, or spell my name right.

How am I on the list, with no Leo-J or PaulWarren?

Also, I'm more of a foeboy than a fanboy. What console am I a fanboy of, btw, the DS, Wii, 360, PS2, PS1, or SNES?

ALSO, I'm also very logical in most of my arguments. I took a couple of trolling bans and I'm in the top 10? I thought most of you didn't even know who I was.

GASP! I hadn't thought of that!

I failed.

From my observations.(no offense to anyone)

PS3 fanboy - Megaman2

360 fanboy - numonex

Wii fanboy - YesWiiCan

Wear it proud.