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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do you think the PS3 is the best console ever?

nightsurge said:
The_God_of_War said:
nightsurge said:
And the answer is no. Love your opinions though.

If you were to actually have an open mind and give all the consoles a chance rather than blindly and foolishly support only one, I think you'd be a bit better off. As of right now you just come off as a desperate fanboy.


He is a fanboy, just not the type you're thinking of.

What type is he?



An anti-PS3 fanboy? Probably a 360 fanboy, given how the 2 groups love to make alt accounts to make the other group look bad. They're such clever keyboard warriors.

@bagenome: lol


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CGI-Quality said:
Before the PS3, I would have said the PS1. Since my PS3 can play those games as well, the answer is easy: YES!


I was gonna say PS1 but after this^^  then PS3 is Ichibun(no 1)

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The_God_of_War said:
nightsurge said:
The_God_of_War said:
nightsurge said:
And the answer is no. Love your opinions though.

If you were to actually have an open mind and give all the consoles a chance rather than blindly and foolishly support only one, I think you'd be a bit better off. As of right now you just come off as a desperate fanboy.


He is a fanboy, just not the type you're thinking of.

What type is he?



An anti-PS3 fanboy? Probably a 360 fanboy, given how the 2 groups love to make alt accounts to make the other group look bad. They're such clever keyboard warriors.

@bagenome: lol

I had not checked this other guy's posts yet.  I just assumed he was an alt, but still a PS3 fanboy alt.  Either way, it bothers me not.  I find some alternate accounts quite hilarious.



There is no doubt in my mind that the PS3 is the best console ever made. The games on the PS3 are hands down better than the competitors!


Hell even the bad game on the PS3 are better than the good ones on the Wii and 360.


I much rather play Lair than "Mario:Twilight Galaxy" and "Gears of Halo 3"


i love my ps3, but your last statement makes you lose credibility. Have you even tried those games? smg and zelda tp are one of the greatest games i have ever played. smg in particular, to me it ties with mgs4 as best single player game this gen. i don't own a 360 but i know that gears and halo are better than the piece of crap that is lair. its people like you that make me reluctant to calling myself a ps3 fan... unless your being sarcastic

...but yes (since i have the 60gb version, BC FTW!) i believe the ps3 is the greatest console

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nightsurge said:
The_God_of_War said:
nightsurge said:
The_God_of_War said:
nightsurge said:
And the answer is no. Love your opinions though.

If you were to actually have an open mind and give all the consoles a chance rather than blindly and foolishly support only one, I think you'd be a bit better off. As of right now you just come off as a desperate fanboy.


He is a fanboy, just not the type you're thinking of.

What type is he?



An anti-PS3 fanboy? Probably a 360 fanboy, given how the 2 groups love to make alt accounts to make the other group look bad. They're such clever keyboard warriors.

@bagenome: lol

I had not checked this other guy's posts yet.  I just assumed he was an alt, but still a PS3 fanboy alt.  Either way, it bothers me not.  I find some alternate accounts quite hilarious.


They can be pretty funny, yeah. Stops the place getting too serious. But this "PLAYSTATION 3" guy......meh.




I will say yes since it can play my PS 1 & 2 games, plus PSN games...... so yes absolutelly

I heard a while back that the PS3 was glitchy with some PS2 games. Was that ever fixed?

boxydancer said:
I heard a while back that the PS3 was glitchy with some PS2 games. Was that ever fixed?

You'd have to check the individual games at the BC database at, but they seem to have been fixing a lot of the glitches in firmware updates. I've not had any problems at all.