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Forums - Sony Discussion - Outlawauron's Final Fantasy XIII Demo Impressions

nice thread

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What about the framerate? It's worse than the Unreal Engine. I couldn't believe it when I watched the videos on Gamersyde (best quality I've seen IMO, so it can't be the recording).

Other than that, the battles look alright (I'm so glad they picked "the music" for them as well), though I'm a bit disappointed they went back to turn-based. It looks a bit like Xenogears, which is not bad thing, but the weird thing about the battles is that you only control one character. What's up with that? Does this mean Gambits are back (heck yes if true)?

Like you said, Square better make you have more control over your party in the full version, or I don't know what to think about this battle system.

Last question, where did you acquire this demo? Did you buy Advent Children Complete? o_O

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

If there were problems, he'd say, don't you think?


oh that was the gamersyde layer

not FF13 demo's framerate

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

hatmoza 2.0 said:
Talk about good news and bad news!
I loved the battles system in X-2 but hated that i didnt have control over party members in XII (i hate them F%$#ing Gambits!)


I think outlawauron was saying that you can't actually move your character while in combat not that you don't have control over your other party member but maybe I got that wrong...

outlaw care to expand on this please?

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Xen said:
If there were problems, he'd say, don't you think?

Who knows. Apparently, some people can't notice drops when they're playing. I know I won't have trouble noticing them when the game releases, and I'll complain about it like people did to The Last Remnant and Lost Odyssey. It's things like this that made those games underrated, especially The Last Remnant which I find amazingly good (I played it on PC though... Still, my point remains because it is still the same core game).

@ darthdevidem01: Really? I've seen it on GameTrailers and IGN as well... so I doubt it's the recording. I seriously doubt it.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

My copy should be arriving next week. =)

Thoguh I'm still not quite sure why I ordered it. >_>

Demon's Souls should be arriving soon too!

   IGN said the game runs smoothly and they are fine if it ships in its current form. Anyway, to the demo:

   I find it very exciting that there are little to no loading screens, considering that you cant even install the demo to HDD. Another notable thing for me is the characters cutscene models and how they are animated, especially Snow. 

   Oh, and the magic spells. They look great: lightning spells, in particular. You cant cast them in the demo but the Judge-like boss can.

makingmusic476 said:
My copy should be arriving next week. =)

Thoguh I'm still not quite sure why I ordered it. >_>

Demon's Souls should be arriving soon too!


awww.....lucky......I'm debating importing Demon's Souls, but everytime I check it's out of stock.  oh well.


SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
If there were problems, he'd say, don't you think?

Who knows. Apparently, some people can't notice drops when they're playing. I know I won't have trouble noticing them when the game releases, and I'll complain about it like people did to The Last Remnant and Lost Odyssey. It's things like this that made those games underrated, especially The Last Remnant which I find amazingly good (I played it on PC though... Still, my point remains because it is still the same core game).

@ darthdevidem01: Really? I've seen it on GameTrailers and IGN as well... so I doubt it's the recording. I seriously doubt it.

Nah, big dips like TLR are well-noticeable... and if its worse than this..