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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Little King's Story thread of pure joy and awesome

^^ Haha don't worry there's more to come

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Three questions:
1. What is the maximum number of citizens you can have in your kingdom?
2. Has anybody fulfilled the princess quest where you have to find people singing at night?
3. Are the number of quests endless?

Vas-y said:
Three questions:
1. What is the maximum number of citizens you can have in your kingdom?
2. Has anybody fulfilled the princess quest where you have to find people singing at night?
3. Are the number of quests endless?

1. I'm not completely sure, due to kids counting as citizens, but I believe my kingdom contains over 150. I think it may be way more than 150. I'll check, if you want me to.


2. Yup.

3. Yes, although they start to repeat.


And now a question for YOU: have you unlocked the race course missions? And if

Well, the population is now at 153 people and I'm still getting messages that some of my citizens fell in love. So if I put them in the church I'll have maybe over 160. Additionally, I have yet to put about 15 kids into school to become grown ups. Maybe I will test it until nothing will happen anymore. But then, 3 people of mine died forever, this could mean a few couples and kids less.

Ad 2. Can you give me a tip finding singers more effectivley? It's actually a bit short having only 2 ingame hours to search for singers every night (10am to midnight) and most of the time I just remeet people who've already sung their song to me (I collected about 15 songs so far).

To your question: Do you mean the races against the animals? If so, one of the animal is lingering in front of your castle. It is having a letter in its mouth. Talk to it and you can take the quest. When you beat it the next animal will be waiting.

Vas-y said:
Well, the population is now at 153 people and I'm still getting messages that some of my citizens fell in love. So if I put them in the church I'll have maybe over 160. Additionally, I have yet to put about 15 kids into school to become grown ups. Maybe I will test it until nothing will happen anymore. But then, 3 people of mine died forever, this could mean a few couples and kids less.

Ad 2. Can you give me a tip finding singers more effectivley? It's actually a bit short having only 2 ingame hours to search for singers every night (10am to midnight) and most of the time I just remeet people who've already sung their song to me (I collected about 15 songs so far).

To your question: Do you mean the races against the animals? If so, one of the animal is lingering in front of your castle. It is having a letter in its mouth. When you beat it the next animal will be waiting.

Sweet! Thanks for that, I can't believe I kept missing it.

As to your question, I can tell you that they don't move position, so what I would up doing was spending those two hours in the same "zone" (Royal City, Grasslands, etc.) and searching over and over again to make sure I didn't miss anyone. The next night, I moved on to a new zone. The only concrete thing I can suggest is that there are citizens in the forest and the beach as well as the cities. But to be honest, I also found it a very tedious and inefficient quest overall.

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Are you sure they don't move? I had the feeling that some of the singers were moving. Actually I didn't think about searching at the beach or in forest, maybe I'll catch 4 or 5 there, thanks.
What's the prize for completing this quest? Is something special happening when I pleased all of my princesses? Furthermore, are there any other things to do after completing the last quests, finding all portraits and completing my kingdom?

To sum it up, this game was a great, fresh experience. I like the indivual bosses, it reminds me a little bit of No more Heroes. The bosses have their own stories and the combats against them were all unique. Shishkebab (Don't know what he's called in English) was the best and most innovative boss in the game.
Unfortunately, there were some annoying things that prevented this game from perfection. The path finding is horrible. Even after finishing this game I have difficulties in orientating (especially in the last expanded areas which became a part of my kingdom). Moreover, people got stuck too often but it got better after getting the skill that allows you to line up your fellows.

Pick this game up, you won't regret it.

I don't remember what the reward was, beyond completing another part of your journal. I don't think it's anything fantastic though.

You'll still be able to do the repeating quests when everything else is said and done, but a better reward is to beat the game and try it again on Tyrant Mode. It's tough though, especially in the beginning.

And I second all your praise and gripes. One thing to note: if your guys get stuck, you can keep pushing forward, and eventually they'll respawn back in your party.

Yeah, they respawn but sometimes too late (for example when running into these damn chickens and my chef got stuck somewhere).

Repeating quests is lame though. I mean, why should I repeat fighting against the same monsters endlessly? :/

Money and glory!

Which is to say, there really isn't any need. Still, they could only put in so many original quests, eh?

I'm a rich bastard, I don't need to take any more quests. More individual quests would have been better. Or some kind of 'final' quests for all those repeating ones. Like beating the troublemakers (like the metal Oni with his Ufo or any other groups disrupting your kingdom) once and for all in a big fight, hehe.