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Are you sure they don't move? I had the feeling that some of the singers were moving. Actually I didn't think about searching at the beach or in forest, maybe I'll catch 4 or 5 there, thanks.
What's the prize for completing this quest? Is something special happening when I pleased all of my princesses? Furthermore, are there any other things to do after completing the last quests, finding all portraits and completing my kingdom?

To sum it up, this game was a great, fresh experience. I like the indivual bosses, it reminds me a little bit of No more Heroes. The bosses have their own stories and the combats against them were all unique. Shishkebab (Don't know what he's called in English) was the best and most innovative boss in the game.
Unfortunately, there were some annoying things that prevented this game from perfection. The path finding is horrible. Even after finishing this game I have difficulties in orientating (especially in the last expanded areas which became a part of my kingdom). Moreover, people got stuck too often but it got better after getting the skill that allows you to line up your fellows.

Pick this game up, you won't regret it.