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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - For those of you buying FFXIII on the 360...

there's really no reason to pick one over the other, unless one of them ends up being noticeably better, the fact that it is on one Blu ray or 5 DVD is not a problem at all and only an idiot would complain about that

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halil23 said:
^ A developer for small games or big budget ones???


A pretty big budget one (but that doesn't really matter)

I actually don't know myself why 360 is better at textures and the PS3 is better at poly's as I'm just a lowly designer, it's the guys who wrote the engine that tells me that.  They know what they're doing so I just take their word for it.  >_>


dude everyone knows that the 360 is better at rendering textures. Its just common knowledge. Its one of the few areas where the 360 honestly is superior in graphics to the ps3.

There is more of a difference then just 7.1 to the sound. The PS3 has the ability to give uncompressed HD audio, while the Xbox 360 does not.

So if they have uncompressed audio available for FFXIII it will make a difference if you have an audio setup capable of HD audio whether or not you have 7.1, 5.1, or even 2.1

I really don't care, if it is in development for +5 years on ps3, the point here is that we will have it on xbox360, oh yeah that is killing the ps3 fanboys like hell!!!

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''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







Well, I'd rather have just one scratch-resistant Blu-ray disc to play on my play-resistant PlayStation 3 for years to come.

Well FFX111 is going to be on multiple discs(5+ i think) so obviously PS3 is the better choice.

If I had a 360 in addition to my PS3, I'd go for the PS3 for it's blu-ray and such so I can avoid this...

All in good fun. I'm glad those with only 360s can experience it too.

Person 1: Does Valkyria Chronicles have trophies?
Person 2:  No.
Person 1: Forget it. I'm not buying it.
Person 2: Wait! It's amazing! Unique, charming, drop dead gorgeous... Hello?


please do me a favor and don't role your eyes like i'm a 360 fanboy. I love my ps3 very much thank you. I was simply replying to your question about 360 rendering textures better which i stated is one of the FEW things it does better. Obviously ps3 pushes more power and is better in MOST areas. If your going to make a comment on something like textures don't be surprised at all to get a reply concerning graphics since thats what textures are.