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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The real reason for Madworld's low start to sales?

I thought it was because I can't see the game anywhere unless u ask 4 it. How do people know about it? Internet. Don't say this game is bad. You might change somone's mind.

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

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The game didn't really get that much hype.


MadWorld actually did pretty good the first week of sales; SEGA's VP of marketing has already spoken to that. I think the true test will be seeing whether or not the game has long legs as time goes on.

It's also an M title, which does limit numbers a bit, but I think the crazy violence is the much needed barrier that sets it apart from the shovelware "let's bake a cake!" games that are becoming all too prevalent on the console.

I believe it has also been said that if MadWorld has favorable sales over time, the possibility of a sequel isn't too unrealistic. So if you like the game, tell your friends to buy it!

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@ OP - I'm not sure it isn't just Wallmart being dicks. When I bought it from GAME it held pride of place of the shop, right next to the #1, in the well located Wii section. #2 was also something cool, might have been CoD:WaW