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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

Oh well... At least they put out a shitload of games on Nintendo systems. :)

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Since the heart of SquareSoft/Square-Enix Sakaguchi left Square is a shell of it's former self .
But let's not forget SE has been putting quality titles this gen, but you have to dig deeper like The world ends with you for the DS for instance,The last remannt for the PC has been getting Decent scores.
And the blog is soo wrong SE so far has supported Wii and handhelds than the HD consoles,SE so far on the 360 are IU and last remnant the rest are from Tri-Ace

Hideo_kojima said:
Since the heart of SquareSoft/Square-Enix Sakaguchi left Square is a shell of it's former self .
But let's not forget SE has been putting quality titles this gen, but you have to dig deeper like The world ends with you for the DS for instance,The last remannt for the PC has been getting Decent scores.
And the blog is soo wrong SE so far has supported Wii and handhelds than the HD consoles,SE so far on the 360 are IU and last remnant the rest are from Tri-Ace

IU was also made by Tri-Ace.

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Your spouting customer nonsense. Darc provided a very business reason why they chose PS1 CD over Nintendo Cartridge. Darc did fail to mention developer room. Cramming data and working in a contstrained space is more difficult to work with. That's why FF7 spanned numerous CD and most of it was repative data. They had room to play with. Could you imagine the number of cartridges. Let alone the concept of cartridge swapping?

Qaulity of media only came with the space, not with the design decision. If Square felt that sticking with Nintendo would gain them more money they would have sacrificed qaulity for cash. They didn't PS1 offered more cash and freedom. It was all a business decision. Just because you came into gaming during the PS1 era and feel that SE is PS brand doesn't mean it's true.

I came in with SE durring the NES days trust me. After two generations of excellent premier games leaving for an opposing company... well it felt like a betrayal, but in retrospect it was a better decision for the company in the long run. But did the FF fans whine and bitch about a betrayal. Yes they did, but hey guess what. They bought a PS1 becuase that's were there favorite games went. NES most console, SNES most console, N64 less, PS1 most consoles, PS2 most console, PS3 least. get the pattern.

The lack of sight from SE these days is the same as the normal upstream market view. 

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

^ I love This Guy !!

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Darc Requiem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Darc Requiem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).

Would you grow up already. Good lord man, if I see another Sony fanboy talk about betrayal in reference to Square-Enix I'm going to hurl. Another case of SSMS. Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Star Ocean, etc. got their start on Nintendo platforms. Square Enix has always went where they felt the most profit could be gained. If you didn't care about them "betraying" Nintendo, then don't bitch now. They are third party developer. I would figure their fans would own a DS, PSP, and 360 by now. Now fanboys on the other hand....


firstly, what the hell are you talking about? I can care less whether you like what Sony fans have to say or not, vomit your brains out for all I care. The fact remains that SE is doing terrible because of their actions this gen, one of the most disturbing is their decision not to support the PS3 for any of their HD games so far. Is this not true? Are many PS3 fans not also SE fans(at least from previous consoles)? Are square making the bank they predicted from putting their games on 360 only? NO! Are SE not putting out garbage games for consoles in favor of AAA ones?

If I am not wrong then what is your point?

And the "Betrayal" of the PS3 by SE as its sole destination for all its games was not the topic of this thread. People like you like to bring everything to that when someone complains about SE's failings as a JRPG giant. The fact is they are doing badly due to some of these decisions and that is what we are discussing

I don't know why you even bothered to respond. Your rant only served to proved that you are more of Sony fanboy than a Square Enix fan.  Fans follow games not platforms. Also Third Parties can't "betray" console manufacturers. The whole purpose of being third party is to be able to place your software on whatever platform that you'd like. Sony has not given SE any financial incentive ala the PS1 days and doesn't have a overwhelming lead like they did in the PS2 days. As I said in my prior post, just grow up already.

@CGI Quality

Nintendo's decision to stick with the cartridge format was the main reason for the falling out between Square and Nintendo. With NEC, Sega, and Sony going to an optical disk format, Square Enix didn't want to be handicapped by the limited space and high costs of the cartridge format. Sony's financial incentives and NEC's failure were the reason Square choose Sony over Sega. At the time FFVII began it's development for Playstation the Saturn was outselling the Playstation in Japan by 2 to 1. In fact it was FFVII's release on PS that effectively ended the 1st place battle between the Saturn and Playstation in Japan.

Word.  That's why when I was a SE fan i bought the PS1 instead of N64.  Though I did get an N64 as a gift anyway.


ShadowSoldier said:

You seem to be really grasping at straws. The quality WAS the forefront and that was what led to FFVII. Sony fans do have a right to be mad because this time instead of Square opting to make a better quality game the reason why they're making games for another console has nothing to do with Quality what so ever

No it wasn't...


CGI-Quality said:
@ Jay

Tell me, when Squaresoft moved from Nintendo to Sony was it uphill or downhill? Now, tell me, is SquareEnix currently moving uphill or downhill? Remember, quality speaking.


FF4 is seen as the best JRPG made according to IGN for example.

FF6, CT, FF4 and Bahamut Lagoon.  Little Square has made have matched those 4 games since.

ShadowSoldier said:

You seem to be really grasping at straws. The quality WAS the forefront and that was what led to FFVII. Sony fans do have a right to be mad because this time instead of Square opting to make a better quality game the reason why they're making games for another console has nothing to do with Quality what so ever

I'm grasping at nothing. Cartridge costs were 25 to 35 times the cost of CD cost per game. That is not including the licensing fee. If quality were the sole factor in their decision Square Enix could developed games for the PC Engine CD. However the Super Famicom had the largests usebase by far. If quality was the sole focus behind their decision making they would made the jump to CD when NEC did, especially NEC was moderately successful in Japan.

@CGI Quality

I understood the question. However it seems that you and others failed the to read "and highs costs of the cartridge format" part of my post. When something will cost you 25 to 35 times as much per unit its a major part of the decision making process. Cartridges had to be order months in advance and ordering a million FFVII cartridges for grand total of $25 million dollars(I'll use the lower capacity price) certainly didn't look as appealing as ordering 3 million FFVII CDs (the game was three disks) for $3 million dollars. Especially when Sony was charging the lowest licensing fees.

hatmoza 2.0 said:
^ I love This Guy !!


me too

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