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Your spouting customer nonsense. Darc provided a very business reason why they chose PS1 CD over Nintendo Cartridge. Darc did fail to mention developer room. Cramming data and working in a contstrained space is more difficult to work with. That's why FF7 spanned numerous CD and most of it was repative data. They had room to play with. Could you imagine the number of cartridges. Let alone the concept of cartridge swapping?

Qaulity of media only came with the space, not with the design decision. If Square felt that sticking with Nintendo would gain them more money they would have sacrificed qaulity for cash. They didn't PS1 offered more cash and freedom. It was all a business decision. Just because you came into gaming during the PS1 era and feel that SE is PS brand doesn't mean it's true.

I came in with SE durring the NES days trust me. After two generations of excellent premier games leaving for an opposing company... well it felt like a betrayal, but in retrospect it was a better decision for the company in the long run. But did the FF fans whine and bitch about a betrayal. Yes they did, but hey guess what. They bought a PS1 becuase that's were there favorite games went. NES most console, SNES most console, N64 less, PS1 most consoles, PS2 most console, PS3 least. get the pattern.

The lack of sight from SE these days is the same as the normal upstream market view. 

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.