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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

outlawauron said:
Well nothing has changed. The only Square Enix RPG that the 360 has gotten is The Last Remnant made by the Saga team which hasn't made a good game in over a decade.

If the main Final Fantasy (and Versus) are bad, then you have a case.


Wrong, SE does produce these games do they not (IU, SO,etc)? They have say in where these games go. The decision to keep these games exclusive to 360 is SE's decision just as much as it is TriAce's decision. And sense when has TriAce made a game by themselves? When have they ever put out a game not dealing with Square or Enix in some way. Never, thats when. You might as well say TriAce is a subsidary of SE because all of their games go through them since their inception.

I am a bit weary of this arguing point.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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Riachu said:
I think the problem is that S-E are actually trying to appeal to Western gamers now. In the PS1 era, they didn't do that. They mainly developed games aimed at Japanese gamers and because of that, they had a unique appeal that many Western gamers found foreign, yet cool and hip. Now, their games are starting to become bland due to the need to appeal to Western gamers. For example, Resident Evil, believe it or not, was developed mainly for Japanese gamers pre-RE4.


Again, I think this is because they were growing up.  They stayed with what they knew.  They were Japan based, making for Japanese platforms, and they could see how the games sold in their home country.  Now, being much bigger and more established, they realize that there is more to cater to than their Japanese fanbase, so again, they are making business decisions because their growing period is over.

Riachu said:
I think the problem is that S-E are actually trying to appeal to Western gamers now. In the PS1 era, they didn't do that. They mainly developed games aimed at Japanese gamers and because of that, they had a unique appeal that many Western gamers found foreign, yet cool and hip. Now, their games are starting to become bland due to the need to appeal to Western gamers. For example, Resident Evil, believe it or not, was developed mainly for Japanese gamers pre-RE4.


Ive heard their claim to "trying to appeal to Western audience" before.  While believable....its tatallly stupid. They ALREADY HAD THE WESTERN FANBASE!!!!


3.9(JAP) compared to 3.09(US) sales

Thats almost equal to the number of fans they have in Japan. What more could they want. The issue was with game quality, not the platform.

Their efforts have proven misplaced so far this gen. You would think they would realize this.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Riachu said:
I think the problem is that S-E are actually trying to appeal to Western gamers now. In the PS1 era, they didn't do that. They mainly developed games aimed at Japanese gamers and because of that, they had a unique appeal that many Western gamers found foreign, yet cool and hip. Now, their games are starting to become bland due to the need to appeal to Western gamers. For example, Resident Evil, believe it or not, was developed mainly for Japanese gamers pre-RE4.


QFT. I liked the uniqueness you mention. Now that RE is just a wannabe. I skipped.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

mmnin said:

Back in the Playstation days they were still establishing themselves and where their future style would go. They were building their reputation using the added CD technology and they did so in the safe userbase of Sony's systems. Now that they have established their credibility however, they realize that growing time is over. They are much more concerned about turning a profit and likewise you are going to see them make decisions that resemble business moves such as making spin offs, waiting to see which console to support, promising exclusives then delaying and then canceling the exclusivity, testing the waters of a new system and its userbase, etc.  It iisn't about making the next huge perfect project to establish a reputation other than to sustain the one that they have, it is about what they can do with what they have.

While doing all of this, they may loose sight of many of the things that their fans loved about them in the past but they will still retain enough qualities to keep their image. This process will also encourage old talent to leave. Companies really do evolve and grow up in many ways just like people do, for the better or for the worse. 

So Sony/Square fans of old shouldn't expect much in terms of loyalty anymore.  SquareEnix doesn't need it.  It's a pretty tough time if you are a fan of both.

Basically what you are saying (and what I have already realized), is that Square Enix wants to be EA or Activision/Blizzard. A gaming giant that churn out mediocre games every year by the bucket load.

Who thinks this sounds like a good idea 0_O?





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).


im a fan of Square ,  and i do believe no one is perfect.

Yōichi Wada is actually Bill Gates in disguise.

forevercloud3000 said:
mmnin said:

Back in the Playstation days they were still establishing themselves and where their future style would go. They were building their reputation using the added CD technology and they did so in the safe userbase of Sony's systems. Now that they have established their credibility however, they realize that growing time is over. They are much more concerned about turning a profit and likewise you are going to see them make decisions that resemble business moves such as making spin offs, waiting to see which console to support, promising exclusives then delaying and then canceling the exclusivity, testing the waters of a new system and its userbase, etc.  It iisn't about making the next huge perfect project to establish a reputation other than to sustain the one that they have, it is about what they can do with what they have.

While doing all of this, they may loose sight of many of the things that their fans loved about them in the past but they will still retain enough qualities to keep their image. This process will also encourage old talent to leave. Companies really do evolve and grow up in many ways just like people do, for the better or for the worse. 

So Sony/Square fans of old shouldn't expect much in terms of loyalty anymore.  SquareEnix doesn't need it.  It's a pretty tough time if you are a fan of both.

Basically what you are saying (and what I have already realized), is that Square Enix wants to be EA or Activision/Blizzard. A gaming giant that churn out mediocre games every year by the bucket load.

Who thinks this sounds like a good idea 0_O?



They won't even develop games of their own anymore. They used to be a great developer not just a publisher. When they start outsourcing FF main series games, we can officially place their tombstone.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
Riachu said:
I think the problem is that S-E are actually trying to appeal to Western gamers now. In the PS1 era, they didn't do that. They mainly developed games aimed at Japanese gamers and because of that, they had a unique appeal that many Western gamers found foreign, yet cool and hip. Now, their games are starting to become bland due to the need to appeal to Western gamers. For example, Resident Evil, believe it or not, was developed mainly for Japanese gamers pre-RE4.


QFT. I liked the uniqueness you mention. Now that RE is just a wannabe. I skipped.


QFT to you too, i miss when RE was RE and not just another shooter.

PullusPardus said:
forevercloud3000 said:
PullusPardus said:
.. i dont see why they are "TRAITORS!" since they are third party devs and i dont see why Sony fans find them as such.
Tho it IS true that they are going downhill lately most of their games are Cliche. tho we hope for "the best is yet to come", SO4 was a let down it had alot of weird voice acting and cliche story, The Last Remnant was weird, Infnite Undiscovery was ... dont know how to describe it, im looking forward for Final Fantasy , and i hope i wont be let down since its my favorite series.


Traitors to the Fans not the Console.

The ones that want their games the most they withhold them from. When they used to put out AAA games everytime they are now putting out shovelware like garbage. They lie to us fans as well with plenty of broken promises.

This is what makes them traitors to fans in favor of M$'s money(or whatever you want to believe is their cause for this stupidity).


im a fan of Square ,  and i do believe no one is perfect.


yea, but at what point do we start holding SE accountable for their actions?




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)