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Forums - Sony Discussion - What has gotten into Square Enix?

I have a question for you PS3 guys. Lets say all of these Square/Enix games came out near the same time for the PS3 as it did on the 360, would you still be bitching about the quality?

If the PS3 had gotten these games at the same time, it makes no difference on the quality. They still would have been just as mediocre as they are right now. If not worse, because everyone knows that the PS3 is still very difficult to program for.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




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Rei said:
NanakiXI said:
Rei said:
Isnt it ironic that PS3-only people are complaining about SE games quality? Always amazes me how people who have never played SO4 and Last Remnant are calling these games "garbage".


Ignorant statment there buddy. Just because I don't own a 360 doesn't mean I didn't in the past. I actually purchased a 360 soley for Blue Dragon. It broke on me a week later but that is another subject.

I owned a DS though and not a PSP. I enjoy some Square RPG's but other than that I play Disgaea on it. (My PSP with Disgaea was stolen ) I love FFVII but Crises Core was disappointing to me (but FFVII fans have blinders and think everything FFVII is geat )

I had a Wii played some games and beat them. Then sold it at full price minus the controller around christmas. Then I sold the controller for $50. The Wii ended up being a great deal at the end basically cause everything was pratically free since I got the same price back that I paid.

On another subject my friend is a big RPG fan and has every RPG LTD for his 360 and I have played them all. They were good but too me nothing has been as good, SquarEnix wise since Radiata Stories.

So far my most favorite RPGs this gen are Folklore, Disgaea 3, Tales of Vesper and none are SquareEnix.

Your point is moot.

I dont see what part of your post makes my point wrong? You've played them and you dont think they are garbage. Most people who do never have.



My point was there all along. I claim myself PS3 only fan. I was not in you catagory though. There are many PS3 only fans who have friends and such who have played these games but don't own the system or dislike it. The PS3 only thing has nothing to do with RPGs. If you can't see my point then sorry. I was meirly using myself as an example.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

If this thread is about a decline in quality then why is it being housed inside the Sony forum, and not the Gaming forum? This seems more along the lines of a disgruntled PS3 fan feeling betrayed, which historically is exactly what forevercloud is. I can pull up numerous arguments he has made in the past to show he is less concerned with the general quality of SE RPGs and far more concerned with the "betrayal" Square Enix has pulled upon Sony. In a nutshell, if the three 360 RPGs were multiplatform, this topic wouldn't exist.

You folks are going to have to come to the understanding eventually that Square Enix is moving away from the HD consoles and moving firmly into handheld territory. You want to know why the console RPGs are lousy? That's because smaller teams, the size that used to make those awesome PS1 and SNES games are now making DS and PSP games. They are as innovative as the jump from 2D to 3D was for Square. The World Ends With You, Space Invaders Extreme, Dissidia, Crisis Core, Sigma Harmonics, Chocobo Tales, Dragon Quest Rocket Slime, etc. This is where the heart of Square Enix is now and some of you need to come to grips with that. Forget the PS3 and 360 being their primary concerns. Neither is a remarkable presense in Japan, and probably never will be. The best chance for a console to grab it's attention is the Wii, and even that is years off.

If you thought the PSOne era was the greatest, most innovative time for Square, then the DS is right up your alley, since it's basically a pocket fifth generation console with tons of Square games. Stop complaining that your favorite console isn't getting attention and go with the trends, because most DS owners are satisfied with the attention Square has given them, and the PSP owners will feel the same by the end of this year.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Good night Guys !!! i had fun here today but im getting off work now ! ITS 8:00pm , and its my Birthday and i have a surprise party to go to

CGI-Quality said:
Kasz216 said:
CGI-Quality said:

@ kas

Wrong again. I never said Sales = Quality. Had Squares recent games reviewed better and had better word of mouth there would've been more purchases, but that's besides the point. Are you saying IE & TLR are on the same level as say DQ, FF, or KH? You can spin as much as a top, it doesn't change the reality of the situation.

That is what you said.  You said it was less quality because it sold less.

If reveiwes are your metric you still run into the big wall that is IGN.

If you are trying to use some weird hybrid you will need to quantify exactly how many sales = each point of a review score.


Show me where I said SALES...


CGI-Quality said:
@ kas

My point was made when Square's fans chose not to buy their more recent games. Square's games are not what they used to be. You can accept it, or continuously ignore it if you choose. It doesn't change what IS happening.



Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
Kasz216 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Kasz216 said:
CGI-Quality said:

@ kas

Wrong again. I never said Sales = Quality. Had Squares recent games reviewed better and had better word of mouth there would've been more purchases, but that's besides the point. Are you saying IE & TLR are on the same level as say DQ, FF, or KH? You can spin as much as a top, it doesn't change the reality of the situation.

That is what you said.  You said it was less quality because it sold less.

If reveiwes are your metric you still run into the big wall that is IGN.

If you are trying to use some weird hybrid you will need to quantify exactly how many sales = each point of a review score.


Show me where I said SALES...


CGI-Quality said:
@ kas

My point was made when Square's fans chose not to buy their more recent games. Square's games are not what they used to be. You can accept it, or continuously ignore it if you choose. It doesn't change what IS happening.



You still don't get the point, why are people NOT buying the games like they were before? That's what I'm getting at.


There are plenty of possible reasons none of which nessistate quality

1) They were Sony fanboys first, Square fans second

2) They've grown out of such games

3) Said games have moved away from what they are used to. (not indicitive of quality)

4) Games stayed too close to what they were used to and they're sick of it.  (Same.)

5) found other companies or genres they like better. (Ex: Wii.)

Or the biggy.

6) It's not named Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest or Kingdom Hearts.


Lost Oddesy sold 790 K worldwide

Best selling non FF,DQ or KH seller on the PS2?

That beats the second best non FF, DQ or KH JRPG on the PS2.

Squares JRPGs about industry average as the PS2 ones.

CGI-Quality said:
@ kas

Bottom line, the OP raised good points, I see some of them. This isn't about what system these games are on, for me at least, but how the games are. Let's agree to disagree, it works better for the both us.

We can agree to disagree sure.  But your point still remains defeated.

These games are still being bought at roughly the level RPGs are bought.

RPGS have a smaller success expectation then other games.

FFXIII will be the highest rated current gen jrpg.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Wow Kasz, I was playing Star Ocean IV. Sorry I left you here all alone man. Seems you been fighting the good fight. Forevercloud is a Sony fanboy. If these SE games were on PS3 he wouldn't be bitching, but they aren't so he is.

The FF brand Name is going to SE head, They think the name alone will sell (Which it will). So if it sells, why should they care?