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If this thread is about a decline in quality then why is it being housed inside the Sony forum, and not the Gaming forum? This seems more along the lines of a disgruntled PS3 fan feeling betrayed, which historically is exactly what forevercloud is. I can pull up numerous arguments he has made in the past to show he is less concerned with the general quality of SE RPGs and far more concerned with the "betrayal" Square Enix has pulled upon Sony. In a nutshell, if the three 360 RPGs were multiplatform, this topic wouldn't exist.

You folks are going to have to come to the understanding eventually that Square Enix is moving away from the HD consoles and moving firmly into handheld territory. You want to know why the console RPGs are lousy? That's because smaller teams, the size that used to make those awesome PS1 and SNES games are now making DS and PSP games. They are as innovative as the jump from 2D to 3D was for Square. The World Ends With You, Space Invaders Extreme, Dissidia, Crisis Core, Sigma Harmonics, Chocobo Tales, Dragon Quest Rocket Slime, etc. This is where the heart of Square Enix is now and some of you need to come to grips with that. Forget the PS3 and 360 being their primary concerns. Neither is a remarkable presense in Japan, and probably never will be. The best chance for a console to grab it's attention is the Wii, and even that is years off.

If you thought the PSOne era was the greatest, most innovative time for Square, then the DS is right up your alley, since it's basically a pocket fifth generation console with tons of Square games. Stop complaining that your favorite console isn't getting attention and go with the trends, because most DS owners are satisfied with the attention Square has given them, and the PSP owners will feel the same by the end of this year.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.