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Forums - General Discussion - Say Something About The Person Posting Above You (IV)

7YP32 1N L337.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Used more numbers than letters to spell out a statement.


Has got less posts than ME

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

gave good of war 2 a 9.8 in his review

Around the Network

^ He doesn't play JRPGs

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

has 1619 post !

Served during the Gulf War

has a cute avy! :D

was being stalked!!!