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Forums - Sony Discussion - first ninja gaiden sigma 2 trailer¡¡¡¡¡. from GDC. awesome¡¡¡¡

Lostplanet22 said:
SpartanFX said:
now could this turn 90+ like the first NG on meta critics due to this many enhancements?


If they review it fair it will. Or the extra's must really suck/the game has framerate problems etc..

Does that really matter so much?


no it doesn't matter at all .


Infact my #1 game this gen is rated at 88(uncharted)which i found it to be better than GTAIV,bioshock,COD4,...



I was just curious 





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SpartanFX said:
now could this turn 90+ like the first NG on meta critics due to this many enhancements?


I doubt it. NG2 is at 81 at metacritic, I don't see how NGS2 will get 9 points higher (unless the camera was REALLY bad and they fix it/make it how NGS1 was [camera was pretty good in that one])


Anyways, I'm happy that Momiji is in NGS2, she was pretty cool in NG:DS, and now I get to play as her (not to mention see what she would look like in HD).


Edit: This is awesome! Just thought about it, and now I don't mind if GOW III releases this year, I still get my action/hack and slash fix. I still think that GOW III is better because I like the storyline and wanna see how it ends, but NGS2 will be able to keep my mind off of it.

axumblade said:
SpartanFX said:
Aj_habfan said:
Hard to get excited over a trailer for a game that over a million people have played.


but they ahven't played it online :P

I'm intrigued. I thought it looked like potential online co-op. If that's true then awesome.



if what is true?




axumblade said:
SpartanFX said:
axumblade said:
SpartanFX said:
Aj_habfan said:
Hard to get excited over a trailer for a game that over a million people have played.


but they ahven't played it online :P

I'm intrigued. I thought it looked like potential online co-op. If that's true then awesome.



if what is true?

online co-op. I am not sure if they said anything about it but there are 3 playable characters and a few scenes with more than 1 person in it....I might have misinterpretted what was being said. lol.



out of developer's mouth

"Beyond new playable characters, Sigma 2 will feature an all-new online co-op mode that lets you and a friend team up to work your way through more than 30 challenge stages, which can be played in one of four difficulty settings. Your performance will be ranked and uploaded to leaderboards so you can see how you stack up against the world. The stages will be a mix of original areas and those seen in the single-player game, which are being redone for co-op play"


it's confirmed




That's a lot more changes than I expected. Awesome news.

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axumblade said:
Wow. Just thinking about it...Quantum Theory and now Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma. What did the PS3 do to strike Tecmo so right?


i just want dead or alive damn it x_x(multiplat of course,,,i m not greedy :P)




Thanks for posting that.

Ayane fights just as bad ass as Ryu.

Not a 360 fanboy, just a PS3 fanboy hater that likes putting them in their place ^.^

Ah, good. Now I have absolutely no need to get a 360. Thanks Team Ninja!

Looks cool. I'm not that hyped up though.

4 ≈ One

If they fix the bugs, balance and performance issues from the 360 version, I'll be all over this.

There are still game breaking bugs present in Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360, one of which, if you encounter it, prevents you from ever finishing the game - you have to delete your save game and start over again.

There were some balance issues involving ranged enemies knocking you over and dealing a fuckton of damage before you could even see them.

The 360 version not only ran at sub 720p, it didn't run at a solid 60 fps either.

And yes, even though the camera was nearly perfect in Ninja Gaiden Sigma, they fucked it up for Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360.

None of these were issues with the 360 hardware itself but rather the rushed nature of the game and Itagaki essentially quitting on the project. So, yeah. If the PS3 version of the game addresses these issues I'll be very excited indeed.