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If they fix the bugs, balance and performance issues from the 360 version, I'll be all over this.

There are still game breaking bugs present in Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360, one of which, if you encounter it, prevents you from ever finishing the game - you have to delete your save game and start over again.

There were some balance issues involving ranged enemies knocking you over and dealing a fuckton of damage before you could even see them.

The 360 version not only ran at sub 720p, it didn't run at a solid 60 fps either.

And yes, even though the camera was nearly perfect in Ninja Gaiden Sigma, they fucked it up for Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360.

None of these were issues with the 360 hardware itself but rather the rushed nature of the game and Itagaki essentially quitting on the project. So, yeah. If the PS3 version of the game addresses these issues I'll be very excited indeed.