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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Unbiasly, Which is the Best Next Gen Console?

First off,please stupid fanboy remarks. I just want to know which next gen console you have and which do you think is the best. If you've never played another next gen than the one you have then you can't say its bad. Give objective reasons as to why you thinkone console is the best compared to the other two. You can choose any criteria; Hardware, software,online,developers support, first party offerings etc. The only rule is that you make a decision objectively and unbiasly.

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First one.

Pixel Art can be fun.

We don't know yet. The next generation of consoles hasn't been announced.

I'll let you know when they start announcing games for it. This will probably take another 3 years so feel free to remind me occasionally.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

The Xbox3 mite sell 80 million.

I look forward to play The Elder Scrolls VI on it.

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I only own the PS3, and of course I think it's the best out of the three, otherwise I wouldn't have bought it... However, I really think that in this gen, you really can't put one console over the other, since they all serve a different profile of gamers in my opinion... Wii: innovating controls, best offline multiplayer, NINTENDO , easy and fun / PS3: great "multimedia station", technically most advanced, great exclusives BESIDE all those generic FPS (ok, that was subjective), free online service, but probably the best choice for single player gamers / X360: very good value, best online multiplayer, also great exclusives, especially if you are into shooters....

It's really a matter of taste in this gen I think... as said before, I only own the PS3, but also got sympathy for the other two... but I'd probably rather get a Wii if I bought another console, since I actually really like Nintendo's approach... if the 3rd party support will get better, that will be a hard test for my bank account

Not so much into the Xbox 360, because I don't like FPS (put aside Half-Life/NOLF and a few others) and haven't got much interest in online gaming... also, I owned the original X-Box, which rather disappointed me... but maybe that's just because I owned a Dreamcast before

You're asuming unbiassed opinions on a videogame selling site... Where sales are discussed...

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I'm sorry for calling PS3,Wii,X360, next gens its just a bad habit. But i'm asking which of the 3(PS3,X360,Wii) are the best.

It depends on what you like.

Sony First party games
Has the potential to have the best looking games this gen.

Inferior ports of multiplatform games
Less games than its competition
The PS3 is rather expensive

Has the best and most games
Superior Multiplatform games with one or two exceptions.
Exclusive DLC for popular games
Gets timed exclusives over the PS3

E74 Error

Has Nintendo games
Has No More Heroes
Has Madworld.
Waggle controls

Has boat loads of horrible games
Non hd
Waggle controls

And the you mean "Current Gen".

Times Banned: 12

Press----------------> <----------------Press

Undying said:

It depends on what you like.

Sony First party games (Whether retail or PSN, they're some of the best games this gen)
Has the potential to have the best looking games this gen.
Attractive black polish.
Blu-ray player.
External HDD compatible.
Free-Online and Wi-Fi.
Compatible with the PSP.
Playstation Network.
HD Graphics

Inferior ports of multiplatform games
Less games than its competition
The PS3 is rather expensive.
Mandatory Installs.
Unreasonably light Sixaxis controller.
No B/C for later models.

Has the best and most games (Subjective)
Superior Multiplatform games with one or two exceptions.
Exclusive DLC for popular games
Gets timed exclusives over the PS3
Cheapest console
Robust Online features
HD Graphics

Xbox Live Arcade

E74 Error
Noisy Fan.
No built-in Wi-Fi.
Poor D-pad.

Battery Inhaling Controllers.
Xbox-Live payments.
Limited Xbox B/C.

Has Nintendo games, several of which are the best games this gen.
Has No More Heroes, along with other great third party exclusives.
Has Madworld.
Waggle controls(Good implementation)
User-Friendly Interface.
Virtual Console.
Fairly Cheap games.
Free Online and Wi-Fi.
Balance Board and Light-Gun supporting games.
Full Gamecube B/C.

Has boat loads of horrible games
Non hd
Waggle controls(Poor implementation)
Tiny internal memory and SD card.
Friend Codes.
Expensive Wii-remote + Nunchuck combination.

And the you mean "Current Gen".

Added a few.


Pixel Art can be fun.