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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

I've taken advantage of the £1 gold for 1 month!!! Which should provide some easy achievements, though I better make sure that I cancel it before they actually charge me!

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Second place! Ronster, watch out, I'm coming for you son!

VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League
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Sol said:
Hey NeoRatt I have 600 GS in Red Faction yet I dont appear on the leaderboard for that game. Any idea whats going on with that?

Also great job with the league, I dont post often but I always check out this thread. The competition is very addictive even though I rarely place in any race or in overall GS.

There's couple things you can do to give MGC a shot in the arm...

First, make sure you get a login id to their site.  If your score gets out of sync for more then a day, then login to the MGC and look at your gamerscore through them, I find that helps sometimes.

Also, sometimes people get their score offline.  When you do that make sure that when you get online you put the disc in and get to the startup of the game so that live updates you as played the game on such and such a date.  The scores typically don't update until you've been seen on Live with the game.  Or at least not as often.

Unfortunately, MGC is synchronized with MS's site through some sort of data feeding.  There are often scenarios where MGC runs out of sync with MS Live.  You just have to bare with it...  At the end of tournys I check to see the scores through Live not MGC as it has failed me in the past.

Thanks for the reply Neo, will jump on the MGC site later today.

Anyone picking up the Fallout 3 dlc this week? I`m still deciding if I`m going to wait a few days to ensure any major bugs or glitches are addressed, as the last two have had some serious issues.

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Sol said:

Thanks for the reply Neo, will jump on the MGC site later today.

Anyone picking up the Fallout 3 dlc this week? I`m still deciding if I`m going to wait a few days to ensure any major bugs or glitches are addressed, as the last two have had some serious issues.

Definitely getting it day one. Can't wait to see the wanderer get raped by some hillfolk.

@ strategyking............ i'm in a sorry state, all donations in cash welcome

@ deadt0m.......... i may score pretty well this week with wolfenstein, altered beast and fable II points up for grabs, but i expect a quiet week next week (but then tiger woods 10 is out the week after).

I see that you are in 2nd place & on my case, i got my eye on you .

I'm so sad ;_; I lost my 2nd place and enamrah is on my ass for the prototype tournament >

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

Grahamhsu said:
I'm so sad ;_; I lost my 2nd place and enamrah is on my ass for the prototype tournament ><

ha. A week ago I thought I'd be able to win the tournament without having to beat the game on hard. You're ruining my plans.  I'm not looking forward to hard mode... especally those last few missions/boss fights. It will, however, be nice not to have to worry about dying/reloading. I'm also dreading the Pt achievement. Kudos for unlocking it. I've yet to get all gold because the Center of Power movement event has been my kryptonite.  

You can rest easy though, because I think I might start to take a break from Prototype. I've been focusing on it so much that I haven't even played Ghostbusters, which btw BrainBoxLtd has nearly maxed in 2 days. wtf

JPL78 said:
well mine is just marketplace slowdown not online gameplay slowdown so I can deal with it. It also takes an age to bring up my arcade games.

I heard that have to do with how much stuff you have, ie Live querie your machine and your gamertag and match it against what you bought and what you didn't so it can display what you download.  The more stuff you have the longer it take for Live to check agaisnt your profile.

The NXE is a bit faster for me since the last maint. but the Arcade and recent game section take a little longer to load again.  (it's still faster than before for me, I remember I have to wait almost 30 sec to almost a min sometimes to see what available for DLC when I pop in game like Race Pro.

We should set up Magic list.... I play a few on line game and end up running into a few ass that quit game as soon as they are loosing or I have one that constantly clicking the X button thinking he can annoy me enough so I will make mistake.