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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

I know I am a little late about this, but why were all the league thread get move to On-line forum section? I alwasy in Microsoft forum and then forget to check out our League.

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mysticD said:
I know I am a little late about this, but why were all the league thread get move to On-line forum section? I alwasy in Microsoft forum and then forget to check out our League.

This was done by the powers above us all...

Sacred 2 is going to get released first week of June in PAL region will the race get add (or re-start then) if more people pick up the game?

Just so you all know I will be working on the colours and formatting of the league this week as we have obviously noticed a few changes with the site...

Will the new UFC game have a chance of having a league?


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This link has moved.

Microsoft Gamerscore League
GS Career TA Career League Career Platinum  Career Tournies Career
GS Season TA Season League Season Platinum  Season Tournies Season
GS Weekly TA Weekly League Weekly Platinum  Weekly Tournies Weekly
Achievements LB TA LB League Rules Platinum Games Potential Tournies
  TA Ratio LB   Completion LB  

NeoRatt said:
Carl2291 said:
Will the new UFC game have a chance of having a league?

If people want it, I will give it...  More feedback please...

I would definitely be interested, and I'm pretty sure badgenome would be too (his gamertag is Alcoholu Akbar).


Awesome update as usual. Yes, some of the color scheme probably need changing. (like the white on yellow).

I am not sure why power that be need to move all the league out of their respective forum. If you didn't start this league and Shern didn't advise me to come here I would have never click "On-line" forum section. When I see on-line forum, I am thinking MMO type of games and not Xbox 360 gamerscore league...

You guys in PAL region need to get Sacred 2, that's all I am saying!


Lets hope plenty more VGChartz member like UFC too