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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League

At the risk of monopolizing the thread I must report that while I have 615 on the tourney board for Wake and my missing 13 achievements do total 385, I am only shown as having 575 on xbl. Perhaps the 40 pt. ach. for Normal diff. pops when you finish hard but doesn't credit to gs overall? Just a guess but I'll retry the last chapter on Normal someday and see if they sync. No big deal but it might not register as complete on xbl or platinum here. Assuming I get there.

The items and stats did stack in my new game. So you only need to find the missing stuff not start from scratch.

d21lewis: I liked the ending. Not a cliffhanger or a shock exactly but unexpected. Sorry that goof ruined it for you. Off to collect me some purple sage. Yippie-ky-ay. (sp?)

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I need to get both Alan Wake and RDR. I wish I had more time to play games...sigh.

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.


I was able to get the update in today. The league is up-to-date for the week!

VGChartz 360 Gamerscore League
GS Career TA Career League Career TA Leaderboard
GS Season TA Season League Season MGC Leaderboard
GS Weekly TA Weekly League Weekly League Rules
Active Tournaments 2009 Hall of Fame Platinum  Game Awards  
Potential Tournaments Past Hall of Fame Platinum Games  

Great work Neo, not sure if I'll come 1st in AW, still have to collect some bits and play through on Nightmare mode.

RDR doing really well, nearly platinum already!!


New Bioshock 2 DLC. "Rebirth" get to level 50, then use rebirth which takes you back to level 1

I so know in a few months time they'll release new DLC with an achievement such as "get to level 60".

So I'm holding out on this till next year when I know all DLC for the game is out.


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You may notice in the update that eNamrah deserves a congratulations for finally knocking BrainBoxLtd out of top position for Platinums...

Congrats eNamrah...

Now you just need to hold on with Erikers and BrainBoxLtd chasing you.

@seece: Exactly. Also right now it's near impossible to play the new BioShock2 maps in a public lobby because everyone in the lobby must have the new maps before the game includes them in the playlist. Many people have complained to 2k and they're going to release a patch in a month or so to allow a dlc maps only playlist. It'll make those other 2 dlc achievements easier to unlock.

@NeoRatt: Hey, thanks. And thanks for running the league to give me the incentive. But BrainBoxLtd has hardly played any games this year, so I think that's a large reason why I caught him.

eNamrah said:
@seece: Exactly. Also right now it's near impossible to play the new BioShock2 maps in a public lobby because everyone in the lobby must have the new maps before the game includes them in the playlist. Many people have complained to 2k and they're going to release a patch in a month or so to allow a dlc maps only playlist. It'll make those other 2 dlc achievements easier to unlock.

@NeoRatt: Hey, thanks. And thanks for running the league to give me the incentive. But BrainBoxLtd has hardly played any games this year, so I think that's a large reason why I caught him.

Wow, the Bioshock 2 DLC has been really underwhelming so far.


Alan Wake is bloody awesome, long live the 360!!!

I "cheated" twice before by playing Avatar and TMNT and the best I could get was 3rd place for the week. This week, I did it legitimately and I still only got third place......but this time, it tastes so much better!

I wasn't expecting an update this week. Thanks, Neo! You are a scholar and a gentleman.