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Carl2291 said:
So... How many people got the 1000/1000 on MW2?

One day...

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I got it Monday... Should have had it on Friday night though but i had to go out.


Carl2291 said:
I got it Monday... Should have had it on Friday night though but i had to go out.

Damn, were the spec ops missions hard to you?


The 10 Juggernaut's in Favela (or how its spelt) was the hardest one.


Yeah I changed my mind. I'm just going to but both games on my christmas list and use the credit for another year of LIVE.

I just played the demo for L4D2 and I do like it a lot. Gore is nice :)

eh, is it that easy to get the 1000 points in MW2? I have no idea when I'll get around to playing it.

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JPL78 said:
Yeah I changed my mind. I'm just going to but both games on my christmas list and use the credit for another year of LIVE.

I just played the demo for L4D2 and I do like it a lot. Gore is nice :)

eh, is it that easy to get the 1000 points in MW2? I have no idea when I'll get around to playing it.

I am finding the veteran campaign easier without the constantly respawning enemies...  Since Infinity Ward gives you all the achievements without going online it is less effort then most games.  I just finished the level I found toughest when I played through on normal (The Gulag - Down in the showers).  The Special Ops missions are where it is at now...  On veteran they are a lot of fun and tough. 

I picked up L4D2 and AC2 today... Don't know which one to go at first...  Probably L4D2 as I love zombie massacres...

JPL78 said:
I've got a couple games to trade and I'll get enough credit for one new game.

My head is about to explode trying to pick between Left 4 Dead 2 or Assassin's Creed 2.

Although I'm leaning towards Left 4 Dead 2.

Just played the swamp campaign and as expected it was fun. It took longer to finish than the original L4D campaigns, although that might be due to constantly getting lost in the swamp.

I love the addition of the melee weapons, incendiary ammo and chainsaw. I got barfed on, backed up to a wall and with a chainsaw took out 20 zombies in 4 seconds.

Not sure if it's like this in every campaign but I ran into very few smokers and boomers.  I seemingly encountered way more chargers than spitters or jockeys. The charger always seemed to target me over my AI partners. 1 campaign played and I already hate chargers. lol

BTW, I kind of miss the old characters but Ellis and Coach are pretty funny. Nick and Rochelle hardly said anything.

@JPL: I haven't played MW2's campaign on veteran yet but I finished it on normal and it was shorter and easier compared to COD2 and COD4 on normal. It wasn't as good as those campaigns either. The Spec Ops are a blast though. I've completed 10 of them solo on veteran and believe I can do another 4 or 5 solo but will likely need a co-op partner to finish the remaining ones. I hope IW releases more spec ops as DLC.


@Carl2291: Congrats on 1000. just wondering, how many of the Spec Ops did you complete solo on veteran?

All of them upto Delta except for the AC130 level. Then i teamed up with my mate and we did the rest together.


JPL78 said:
Yeah I changed my mind. I'm just going to but both games on my christmas list and use the credit for another year of LIVE.

I just played the demo for L4D2 and I do like it a lot. Gore is nice :)

eh, is it that easy to get the 1000 points in MW2? I have no idea when I'll get around to playing it.

When you getting L4D2 JPL, I was thinking of waiting off till Black Friday Best Buy has it for 35 dollars, but if you get it today I might just go out right now and pick up a copy.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-