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Forums - General Discussion - The Everything WWE Thread

spdk1 said:
that vickie guererro storyline is wrestlecrap worthy, I wanted to shoot myself when everyone was professing their love for her. <-funny site check it out.


I agree. Wrestlecrap is a great site.  This reminds me that I haven't been there in a long time. 

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

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Who thinks John Cena should go back to his rapper gimmick. I had more respect for him back then. Now, its like he's not even getting that much huge poips as before.


I do think Cena is a good entertainer but he panders WAY too much. He also needs to update his move set. It was neat when he added an STF like 5 years ago. It's time for something new. He also needs to sell a little more consistently in matches.

Okay what would you guys like to see in the next Smackdown game. I would like them to concentrate more on the gameplay than graphics. I think you should be able to perform a move using more than two buttons.


The gameplay should be based on a lot of combo moves. I think the need to add better moves and more fighting styles.


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It's been said a lot by everyone but I would like AKI to handle the nintendo wwe games like in the n64 days. It won't happen but I have always liked that game play the best. Cides that, I'm not sure what I would change specifically.

I haven't enjoyed a wrestling game since Smackdown 2006. I don't like the controls in the new games. Using the analog stick to grapple is very weird.

Did anyone watch TNA this week? I am liking Samoa Joe's new gimmick, but I hope they don't change his moveset too much. He's a great wrestler. Also I hope the Sting vs. Mick Foley match doesn't happen. Seems like a waste of time.

I hope this Edge/vickie storyline ends soon enough so we could see a Edge turn face.


Mirson said:
I haven't enjoyed a wrestling game since Smackdown 2006. I don't like the controls in the new games. Using the analog stick to grapple is very weird.

Did anyone watch TNA this week? I am liking Samoa Joe's new gimmick, but I hope they don't change his moveset too much. He's a great wrestler. Also I hope the Sting vs. Mick Foley match doesn't happen. Seems like a waste of time.

I'm still unsure how I feel about Joe's gimmick. The whole knife and kill everyone thing is a bit off putting but I like the intensity. 

Sting v Foley will happen. And yes, it will likely be awful. The mafia makes no sense. It hasn't made sense since about 2 months after it started. It wants to be the NWO so bad but 3 of the five guys in it (sting, nash, steiner) are way past their prime. Booker T can't cut a promo that makes any sense. Angle isn't allowed to do anything useful. Losing Christian really hurt this group. They needed the youth. Worst of all, they really don't do anything these days. They haven't done anything for at least 2 months. Angel yells at Sting, Sting yells at Angle, Jarrett yells at Angle, Foley yells at Angle, Nash questions Sting, Sting reaffirms his commitment, Angle doesn't buy it and yells at Sting (the cycle continues). 


smackdown notes (because the a recap takes to long):

wwe has official decided to give koslov the khali spot. Meaning: he'll probably continue to squash mid carders but job to main eventers. I've made it known that I don't care for koslov but they should have gone about this differently. They should have had his streak broken in a title match or a grudge match at a ppv. But losing to michaels on raw, then having his "smackdown undefeated streak" broken a week later by the undertaker and then having to put over Trips yesterday is a bit much.

Still don't care about Trips vs. Ortan. I'm sure it will make a good match but I just don't care about anyone in the equation.... Except Shane I guess. When Trips mentioned in a promo that he was, in fact, married to Stephanie McMahon, people actually cheered. Uggg. Still hoping this match goes hell in a cell.

Still think Vickie, Edge, Show, Cena is more entertaining then it should be. Popcorn television with 3 people who can really work a crowd and Show, who can be enjoyable in his own right. Smackdown ended with Edge accidentally spearing Vickie and then taking down Show when Vickie was in his arms. I actually laughed when he hit the spear. Loved it. WWE is all about wives taking finishers these days.

The Hardy match at Mania has officially gone "extreme rules" which is really good news. I called for a "street fight" in an earlier post, pretty much the same thing.

Oh, and other things I've called correctly, Miz and Morrison vs Carlito and Primo at Mania with both titles on the line. That was announced on ECW. Just waiting for it to go "ladder match" so I can go 100% with my prediction.

MVP beat Benjamin for the US title which may set up Benjamin to win money in the Bank at Mania. Those two are always good in the ring. MVP got a nice pop when he earned the 3-count. He'll probably pick up a feud with Chavo Guerrero post Mania.

Shawn Michaels beat Kane in a good match. Nice finish with Michaels hitting Sweet Chin Music while Kane set him up for the choke-slam.

By the way, I should add that a lot of people got the jobber introduction on "smackdown." You know, where you don't hear their theme music and see them walk to the ring. MVP and Benjamin got it. So did The Brian Kendrick when he jobbed to Jeff Hardy in an extreme rules match where Jeff botched the swanton bomb.

Undertaker cut an eh promo before having a good match with JBL. He won of course. JBL hit the "Clothesline from Hell" but Taker kicked out a little quick. Not even a 2 and a half count. By the way, remember when the announcers told you on Raw that Rey Mysterio challenged JBL to an IC match at Mania? Well on smackdown, the announcers told us JBL accepted the challenge. God forbid either guy speaks for themselves with Mania being 2 weeks away.


PS. Keeping track of these things. The nine Champions

1. Trips (champ) vs Ortan

2. Edge (champ) vs Show and Edge

3. JBL (champ) vs Rey Mysterio

4. MVP (champ) in Money in the Bank

5/6. Miz and Morrison (champs) vs Carlito and Primo (champs)

7/8. Melina (champ) and Maryse (champ) in 25 diva battle royal

That leaves Jack Swagger. He'll probably take on Evan Bourne (who made his return this past week on ECW against Jamie Noble) at Mania. You heard it here first.