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Mirson said:
I haven't enjoyed a wrestling game since Smackdown 2006. I don't like the controls in the new games. Using the analog stick to grapple is very weird.

Did anyone watch TNA this week? I am liking Samoa Joe's new gimmick, but I hope they don't change his moveset too much. He's a great wrestler. Also I hope the Sting vs. Mick Foley match doesn't happen. Seems like a waste of time.

I'm still unsure how I feel about Joe's gimmick. The whole knife and kill everyone thing is a bit off putting but I like the intensity. 

Sting v Foley will happen. And yes, it will likely be awful. The mafia makes no sense. It hasn't made sense since about 2 months after it started. It wants to be the NWO so bad but 3 of the five guys in it (sting, nash, steiner) are way past their prime. Booker T can't cut a promo that makes any sense. Angle isn't allowed to do anything useful. Losing Christian really hurt this group. They needed the youth. Worst of all, they really don't do anything these days. They haven't done anything for at least 2 months. Angel yells at Sting, Sting yells at Angle, Jarrett yells at Angle, Foley yells at Angle, Nash questions Sting, Sting reaffirms his commitment, Angle doesn't buy it and yells at Sting (the cycle continues).