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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Killzone 2 is blatantly better than Halo 3

SHMUPGurus said:


(I must admit I prefer the 5th image you get in Google Image...!)


I kinda like the 5th one too...

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Kantor said:
heruamon said:
Comparing KZ2 to Halo is like comparing the heritage of the Steelers to the Cardinals, or the Celtics/Lakers to the Hawks...or any other riddiculous comparisons between a legendary icon to something that hasn't done a darn thing yet...750K in week 1 prelims...WHAT? I haven't played the game (or the first one), but what the heck has it done...being born isn't some birthright to's proven in ur play...come talk to me in 6 months about how great KZ2 is...and also update me on R2...

May I ask what the hell Halo 3 added to the FPS mould? Powerups? Um... I'm out. Halo is another matter, but nobody's saying it's better than Combat least, I'm not.

750k is damned good for a PS3 game. It's higher than World at War. Higher than a Call of Duty game. Higher than the sequel to CoD4. The third highest PS3 debut. Besides, do sales really say anything about quality? Is Wii Play better than Okami? Is Nintendogs better than everything released on an HD console? Is Wii Sports the best game ever made?

Resistance 2? Very well. It's a great game. Innovative, tries to be different, and the co-op is great, but overall a little lacking in polish. Online multiplayer isn't brilliantly implemented, but it's functional. Single player is a joke, like most FPS games (but not Killzone 2 or Halo 3). Solid 8.8/10 for me. That's the way I've felt since I first got the game...

Pre-release hype is no indication of quality, obviously. Post-release hype is another thing. Look at the Sony forum. How many KZ2 threads do you see? It doesn't matter that several of them are negative. All that means is that people care. Think back to November. How many "Resistance 2 has X non-existent problem" threads did you see? Perhaps a tenth of all the KZ2 threads we are seeing?

After perhaps an hour of play, I knew that Resistance 2 wasn't a 9/10 game. After seven hours of play, I know that Killzone 2 is. You'd be hard pressed to find one person on this forum who believes that Resistance 2 is better than Killzone 2. The latter is just so polished, so well designed, so incredible, that occasional frame rate hiccups and "control issues" can be forgiven.

I'll admit, Killzone 2 added very little to the FPS. A first person cover system. Some great new weapons. But for the most part, it refined and improved. It took concepts that already exist, and made them better. Halo 3 did the same thing, just not (in my opinion) as well.

That is why I believe Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3, better than Resistance 2, better than CoD4, the best FPS so far this gen.


Well, Forge for one. It definately broke the mold for Console FPS games, and many people would consider it huge. Especially factoring in the new Sandbox map that's going to bring forge maps to the next level.

And it added things like equipment which Halo 2 didn't have. So it brought something to the genre, and improved on itself. Which is more than 99% of other FPS games can say.

While I would agree that Halo 3 didn't add a lot to the straight FPS experience... some of the stuff my friends have done with Forge to keep Halo fresh/relevant have been truely impressive. It was a massive addition to FPS games that has no equal.

what's wrong with comparing KZ2 to Halo 3? One thing: Right now KZ2 hype is in full swing. Wait a few months before it dies down.



im_sneaky said:
what's wrong with comparing KZ2 to Halo 3? One thing: Right now KZ2 hype is in full swing. Wait a few months before it dies down.

People said that about LittleBigPlanet!........Wait, they were right.

Mirson said:
im_sneaky said:
what's wrong with comparing KZ2 to Halo 3? One thing: Right now KZ2 hype is in full swing. Wait a few months before it dies down.

People said that about LittleBigPlanet!........Wait, they were right.

What's LittleBigPlanet?!


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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Great read funny article. To bad many people will take the article seriously. LOL.

nice article, very funny. :)