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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft: Future Xbox 360 Exclusives Will Surpass Killzone 2 [Graphically]

Didn't MS also said Vista would be a big leap from XP too?

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jesus kung fu magic said:
WereKitten said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
WereKitten said:
jesus kung fu magic said:

Are people seriously in denial? MS had the best looking console game in GOW 2 until KZ2 came out....... if MS can do it once, they can do it again.


Actually, I still think Uncharted has the edge over Gears 1 and 2 both aestethically and technically, it's just less over-the-top. But we hopefully still have years for the X360 to try to claim the crown.


Although liking the aesthetics is purely opinion based , the tech side(with its wide gap)isnt. There is far more going on in gears 2 and it looks better while doing it (on the tech side of course)

Far more going on, true. But looking better? Animations and lightning are on Uncharted's side. Textures are a draw. The unreal engine 3 seems to be at its best with flashy iperrealistic textures and bump mapping. That's why Epic played it safe and chose the style that fit the engine (it's not by chance if it's stylistically almost indistinguishable from UT3)


The J man gives it to uncharted in animations (barely) but lighting is part of aesthetics (just because its lighter doesnt mean its better) and in textures its no contest , gears 2 is far superior in textures compared to uncharted.





I agree, when I put my TV on brightest my games don't have better lighting.


SleepWaking said:
321tttrini4everz said:
so they played Killzone 2 huh

so the whole m$ gaming staff really own a PS3....


Well that's funny coming from you..........


huh ?? ooo...oops u get the point though :D

Well i think there will be better looking games in the future so it would be strange if Killzone 2 was best looking game even after the end of this gen.


Microsoft could have easily said:

"Sony's Killzone 2 is an impressive graphical title, but our Gears of War 2 still sets the bar for graphical acheivement."

This would have been respectable because Gears of War 2 is still a graphically impressive looking game, and it appease the 360 fanboys. But Microsoft didn't take this route maybe because it's undeniable to them as well so the 360 fanboys here are scraping for excuses (the real trolls in this thread). Fact of the matter, Killzone 2 looks impressive no matter how you deny it.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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This doesn't sound like a M$ comment. Smells funny.

They need to show us, if this is for real.

Heck, I made a game the other day, on my iPhone, that totally kicks the graphical behinds of KZ2 and Gears 2! Nope, nope... don't ask me to see it. You'll all have to wait in line to see my greatness, like everybody else.


Squilliam said:
Considering they only just released the tool kit for the tessellation engine in the Xbox 360 last November I believe them 100% in this statement.

I am not impressed by the lack of local multi-player in KZ2, so if they can do every bit as well as KZ2 and give the very friend orientated outgoing and cool Xbox 360 owners Co-Op at the same time then I can only clap my hands and say, 'typical Microsoft, thinking of the true gamers first'.


So "true gamer" equates to required local multi-player???  I do hope for your sake and the image of TRUE gamers that your blinded self-righteousnes doesn't give us TRUE gamers a bad name.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

kanariya said:
Didn't MS also said Vista would be a big leap from XP too?


In their defense; it was.



























Just not a very good one...

Stan85 said:

PS3 can`t handle directX10,only 360 can. Also,360`s GPU is more powerfull than ps3`s gpu and has an internal memory (10mb) for fast transfer,plus let`s not forget that 360 is easy to develop yes,MS will come with a Killzone 2 killer. Wait for E3 (June 1`st).


To tell the truth the PS3 doesn't event try to "handle directX10", simply because it doesn't use that API. And yes, 360's GPU is more advanced, but KZ2 demonstrated offloading work on the SPUs can lead to great results (example: the object-based motion blur it uses is specced in dx10, but I think the only other game implementing it is Crysis under Vista)

Basically, we'll just have to wait and see.

Btw, talking about "easy to develop" and extreme performance in the same context? It's usually a tradeoff, because if you stick to a standard API you squeeze less from your hardware than if you go close to the "metal".

Case in question: I seem to remember that the 360's GPU does not implement the DX11 tessellation specs fully, so that some calls will have to rely on a fallback implemented otherwise. Thus when you port a piece of code that uses DX11's tessellation to the 360 you can potentially incur into performance hiccups, that you'd need to fix it at a lower level I suppose.

On the other side, but maybe Squilliam knows this better, I think that similar tessellation techniques on the PS3 are implemented using the SPUs.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

Jordahn said:
Microsoft could have easily said:

"Sony's Killzone 2 is an impressive graphical title, but our Gears of War 2 still sets the bar for graphical acheivement."

This would have been respectable because Gears of War 2 is still a graphically impressive looking game, and it appease the 360 fanboys. But Microsoft didn't take this route maybe because it's undeniable to them as well so the 360 fanboys here are scraping for excuses (the real trolls in this thread). Fact of the matter, Killzone 2 looks impressive no matter how you deny it.

You're the one calling fanboy.

Thread premise: Microsoft says...

People respond: Yes

Do we have to add Killzone denial to our dictionary? And still even then I don't see the denial. Hell, I don't see the fanboyishness either.

