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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

tsh. Some people can't play games.

It's not a issue. Obviously it is for some people but hey, who cares. Some people just feel the need to whine about everything. I wonder if it's because they got the shit kicked out of them online :p

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Man so many people too lazy to watch the video that shows the control issues?

Even if you're happy with the game you HAVE to see that you can't say it doesn't exist... *sigh* of course nothing could ever possibly be wrong...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Man so many people too lazy to watch the video that shows the control issues?

Even if you're happy with the game you HAVE to see that you can't say it doesn't exist... *sigh* of course nothing could ever possibly be wrong...


I'm not saying they don't exist. But the same thing is in many other games. Halo 3 aparently has the same thing. I read that somewhere.

Check out my game about moles ^

To the OP or to everybody who keep posting that video: can't you read or research about what "input lag" is or how much can you expect? I posted the link yet in a previous thread, but I'm going to cut & paste:

Resposiveness measurements by Gamasutra

The relevant measure is: Halo 3 lags 8-10/60th of a second.

The video that i saw that tried to prove the terrible lag in KZ2 measured 4-5 frames with a 30fps camera ie 8-10/60th of a second.

Add to that the fact that in gamasutra they adjusted -2/60th to take into account their plasma tv lag, whereas the same was not done in the homemade KZ2 measurement, thus I suppose the adjusted result is:

KZ2 lag: 6-8/60th < or = Halo 3 lag: 8-10/60th

Maybe the lag "feels" worse for someone in KZ2 because of the whole "weighty" feel, but as far as I know objective measurements tell a different story.

As for the second video, or the "flick" tests in the first one, they just demonstrate how the dead zone+acceleration were set up. Somebody could not like the feel of it or even loathe the game because of it, but it is that way _by design_ and has nothing to do with "lag" (lag is a temporal offset of response vs input).

Try changing the sensitivity values in the options or get accustomed with the aiming. If you still can't appreciate the gameplay after that, come to terms that - shocking as it is - a game might have been developed with controls that don't click with you.

Hundreds of thousands of other people seem to be so lucky to like them, have fun with them and don't create threads about them again and again...


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

Staude said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Man so many people too lazy to watch the video that shows the control issues?

Even if you're happy with the game you HAVE to see that you can't say it doesn't exist... *sigh* of course nothing could ever possibly be wrong...


I'm not saying they don't exist. But the same thing is in many other games. Halo 3 aparently has the same thing. I read that somewhere.


Wasn't geared at you but the thread in general, I can tell it doesn't make a huge difference except for the flicking bit, I noticed that myself when I played, flicking can help you from over adjusting and there's no "weight" to that it's just bad, which could have gone unnoticed if the game used aim assist like most modern console FPS games :\

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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WereKitten said:

To the OP or to everybody who keep posting that video: can't you read or research about what "input lag" is or how much can you expect? I posted the link yet in a previous thread, but I'm going to cut & paste:

Resposiveness measurements by Gamasutra

The relevant measure is: Halo 3 lags 8-10/60th of a second.

The video that i saw that tried to prove the terrible lag in KZ2 measured 4-5 frames with a 30fps camera ie 8-10/60th of a second.

Add to that the fact that in gamasutra they adjusted -2/60th to take into account their plasma tv lag, whereas the same was not done in the homemade KZ2 measurement, thus I suppose the adjusted result is:

KZ2 lag: 6-8/60th < or = Halo 3 lag: 8-10/60th

Well, I just tested far cry 2 on my computer and the result was about 4 frames with 30fps(7-9/60). On the other hand I did also play around with my own engine and it has near zero(0-1 frames). Well, there isn't much stuff going on, but anyway. I can post the vids if you want to.

BTW, the previous time I posted those numbers from Gamasutra about responsiveness, it was because KylieDog had posted the same "4-5 frames lag" video. Those Gamasutra numbers were never answered or disproved, but here again the same people lamenting that KZ2 lags oh-so-much when pulling a trigger, something never seen before.
Except that it's false. So either prove your statements or admit you're just elevating opinions to facts.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

3 of us sat down to play KZ2 to find out what all the fuss/hype surrounding the game was all about.

We are mature gamers in our 30s with a vast experience of game types and platforms.

We are a Wii60 owner, a PS360 owner and a  PS3 owner.

Short answer NO OF US LIKED THE CONTROLS.  Despite changing the settings multiple times and testing none of us could find a desired setting.

Its nice that there are others have noticed issues or problems too.

In regard to the videos at the start of this post:  The first ones attempt at being scientific is a bit silly and not really identifying the problem very well.  The second one is slightly better in that it clearly identifies a problem with the deadzone/sensitivity which in our opinion is the main issue.

Many people clearly have an issue with this and hopefully a patch will be released to fix this.

Sure there are many people who are wondering what all the fuss is about and to you I say I am happy that the controls work for you but please acknowledge that for whatever reason there are a growing number of people who are not happy and would like something done about it.

Oh and please stop the trolling its just pathetic and imature.

Deneidez said:
WereKitten said:

To the OP or to everybody who keep posting that video: can't you read or research about what "input lag" is or how much can you expect? I posted the link yet in a previous thread, but I'm going to cut & paste:

Resposiveness measurements by Gamasutra

The relevant measure is: Halo 3 lags 8-10/60th of a second.

The video that i saw that tried to prove the terrible lag in KZ2 measured 4-5 frames with a 30fps camera ie 8-10/60th of a second.

Add to that the fact that in gamasutra they adjusted -2/60th to take into account their plasma tv lag, whereas the same was not done in the homemade KZ2 measurement, thus I suppose the adjusted result is:

KZ2 lag: 6-8/60th < or = Halo 3 lag: 8-10/60th

Well, I just tested far cry 2 on my computer and the result was about 4 frames with 30fps(7-9/60). On the other hand I did also play around with my own engine and it has near zero(0-1 frames). Well, there isn't much stuff going on, but anyway. I can post the vids if you want to.


Thanks for providing again a different source stating the same reasonable truth: 30fps games tend to lag 4 to 5 frames when shooting.

That's been measured true for KZ2, Halo3, GTAIV according to Gamasutra and Far Cry 2 according to our in-house developer Deneidez ;) If anybody wants to provide measurement in different games, they're welcome.

PS: disproving the existence of the "lag monster" in KZ2 doesn't mean that the controls might not be problematic for someone. Since the weighty feel (ie the acceleration) isnt going to go away because it's a _design choice_, the serious thing to do might be to ask Guerrilla for a patch allowing to somewhat configure the extension of the dead zone in the options.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

Deneidez said:
WereKitten said:

To the OP or to everybody who keep posting that video: can't you read or research about what "input lag" is or how much can you expect? I posted the link yet in a previous thread, but I'm going to cut & paste:

Resposiveness measurements by Gamasutra

The relevant measure is: Halo 3 lags 8-10/60th of a second.

The video that i saw that tried to prove the terrible lag in KZ2 measured 4-5 frames with a 30fps camera ie 8-10/60th of a second.

Add to that the fact that in gamasutra they adjusted -2/60th to take into account their plasma tv lag, whereas the same was not done in the homemade KZ2 measurement, thus I suppose the adjusted result is:

KZ2 lag: 6-8/60th < or = Halo 3 lag: 8-10/60th

Well, I just tested far cry 2 on my computer and the result was about 4 frames with 30fps(7-9/60). On the other hand I did also play around with my own engine and it has near zero(0-1 frames). Well, there isn't much stuff going on, but anyway. I can post the vids if you want to.

Btw, same system Resistance 2. Only 2 frames(-2 = 0 frames lag, uh oh... It can't be and you know it too. So I think its about even with Halo 3. ),