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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

Interesting. If that bothers you, I feel bad for you. Honestly, this is the first FPS I have ever actually liked the controls in, and one of the first that I have been able to hand off to non gamers with little complaints about the controls. Personally, I think that other FPS's are to twitchy, and that is what has cause a big problem with non gamers and anolgue sticks.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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KylieDog said:
iclim4 said:

Did actually.
I read the playstation forums complaint first, about the one where the menus and everything is also lagging and not just the gameplay, before I finished watching the video.
The video does put out some interesting observations, but it seems I've adapted to it.

Do you really fell the lag when you pull the trigger on the gun?

Obviously many people do considering the thousands of complaints.

 No one has commented on the much worse problem, the huge deadzone the game has.  Like to see anyone try and pin that down to design or 'weight'.  That is just complete failure on the devs side.

Many people don't know how to properly calibrate their TV.
Many people don't even know their TV has a gamemode.
Many people don't even know about response times.
Ever wondered why Guitar hero games have Calibration option built in the game?
They do it because the game relies entirely on precision pressing and many people aren't educated enough with response times.
Many people don't even know about the brightness setting on their TV.
GG is banking on graphics, which is why they have a brightness test at the start of the game.

Many people don't know, and they'd rather blame someone else. Sure there might be sensitive to lag people out there but they're few and far inbetween.

In the video the game had a 4-5 frame delay, but his TV had 1 frame input delay so the game itself has 3-4 frame delay.
Considering the game runs at 30frames per sec, a 3-4 frame delay is 0.1-0.13 of a sec delay.  0.1-0.13 seconds.
Can you really tell?
But consider your TV having bad response time added by that 0.1-0.13 second delay and it adds up, and thus you have your complaints.

And the deadzone is most likely to prevent spastic movements.
Remember this game relies on "momentum movement", it doesn't just move at a set rate, the longer you hold on the analog stick the faster it moves to that direction. So a flick would barely register since you're not getting enough momentum. Hence why people don't really complain about it in forums, though it is an interesting point in the video.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

i didnt notice this when i was playing O.O even without that i hate killzone shooting so much

I got used to the lag after an hour or 2
The only real problem I had is when I switched back to call of duty

I expected much worse lag in the video. The lag in this vid is something I would barely notice or get used to after a while. I wouldn't waste my time crying and complaining on a messageboard. If I were that unhappy, I would sell it and be done with it.

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Yea the lag is so bad that I can go make a cup of coffee in between.

Seriously 3 frames slower WOOHOO let's make a big deal about it.

Cry me a river.

if I didn't see "sony discussion" at the top of my screen, I'd swear this was a killzone 2 forum. Can't this sort of thing, and the 50 other killzone 2 topics made in the last day be covered in the official thread?

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Oh man that would affect me so much in a shooter. Because when I lag sometimes in halo 3 and it's jsut slightly off on the shooting when you press it... it screws everything up. That is definitely not realism. Whatever it is, that would screw me up so much. Wonder what happened for that to go wrong like that.

But yea when that happens to me in Halo 3 because of internet lag, makes everything awful haha. Luckily usually I have a great connection so no worries.

Will Guerilla be able to fix it in a patch? D:


the lag issue is BS, I've already played the game for 20 hours and I don't have it, I don't understand what's the problem about aiming and shooting.

All the Killzone 2 bashing is ridiculous imo!