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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

sega4life said:
Max King of the Wild said:
funny people need to pull out a microscope on this game

Play the game, and that microscope turns into Hubble....



 Lol i have the game ... i played the game for 5 hours last night ..... yes at first it is a bit slower and you just have to learn to antisipate.... i really dont see a big deal at all.... (IMO) the only FPS that is on par with KZ2 is CoD4 and that game was amazing...and so is this one :P..... and the fact that you have to go SUPER-DUPER sow-mo to even see the lag is just nit picking :P

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KylieDog said:
Oh I am sorry, what has changed with Gran Turismo between games that warrents more than patch worthy updates?

They added dirt tracks, some customisation options, a few regular trcks, the graphics jumped between consoles by stayed pretty much identical when multiple games on a single console.

If you have played GT1 then jump to GT5-P aside from graphics most people won't know of any difference, the people using the tuning options are the minority.

..and please don't start the double standard crap with opinions. There are enough people running to every topic yelling "KZ2 iz awesome, teh best evah!". If it is acceptable for them to keep repeating themselves it is fine for anyone who wants to tell of the games negative issues.

The only reason I posted in this thread is because of those people who flat out denied any issue existed. Well here we are with proof and I wanna hear what they have to say now (for the most part they are still closing their eyes and claiming it don't exist, with evidence showing otherwise staring them int he face).

I really want to see if any of them will open there eyes and admit there is a problem.

Just have to add that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Please tell me that you don't have a license yet and never drove a real car before.



Back to KZ2, if it's proven that Halo3 has a similar input lag as KZ2, why aren't there people claiming Halo3 as broken?

KZ2 might not be the best FPS ever as I consider COD4 is still a great game, but the so called input lag obviously isn't that huge of a problem. Some people just have to make a big effing deal out of the little things.


It's the end of the world that KZ2 has a similar lag as Halo3, but Halo3 is the best FPS ever, right?

WereKitten said:

A nice link for the ones truly curious about the issue of control responsiveness.

That is so wrong or well ok that is what they did years ago, but really they don't do it like that anymore. That just doesn't work with current rendering times & stuff.

out of curiosity if you tapped the fire button multiple times what would it look like

The lag is a problem for any competitive player, an extra .1s lag in video games is far from microscopic. I can easily tell the difference simply by switching between KZ2 (demo) / CoD4, surprised it's only .1s. Throw this on top of that questionable weighty control scheme, and you've got a big problem.

Well, I'm skipping out due to the controls, they were a little too unbearable for me. I'm sensitive to these kind of gameplay issues - I want to play the game, not the controls. I'm sure it doesn't bother some people, just like the online lag doesn't bother people in SSBB (a game 8mil+ bought, so there's no problems amirite)... but seriously, I hope people understand it's not just trolls that agree with me, I really did want a game to replace CoD4.

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From the gamasutra link:

PS3 System menus: 3/60ths
# Ninja Gaiden Sigma: 4/60ths

I never tried this particular version of Ninja Gaiden, but it doesn't surprise me that this game has one of the best response times.

This may be cherry picking but it tells me there's a correlation between response time and the controls feeling good. I say that because Ninja Gaiden games have some of the best control feeling I've ever seen (no doubt helped by the fact it runs at 60 fps). If nothing else it shows that certain teams will optimize their games for response time.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

This should put your complaints to rest:

"Guerrilla Games’ Seb Downie has defended the company’s decision not to revamp Killzone 2’s controls, describing the sequel as “a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience.”

Speaking in response to complaints posted on CVG’s forums, Downie commented, “After carefully looking into this, reading the posts, talking to a lot of you directly and analysing the controls at GG we have come to the conclusion that there are no changes required to the system.”

"If at all, any changes to the controls would put the majority of people who have not had problems or have adapted out of whack, which may be more serious," he continued, adding, “Killzone 2 is a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience that focuses on immersion.”

Despite this, Downie noted that a few tweaks were made to the game’s online component: "It is not a twitchy, split-second gun-wielding experience like some shooters. Also, the online experience is quicker as we've made the controls and animations a little faster during design."

Be sure to let us know your thoughts on the subject in the comments section below."

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
This should put your complaints to rest:

"Guerrilla Games’ Seb Downie has defended the company’s decision not to revamp Killzone 2’s controls, describing the sequel as “a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience.”

Speaking in response to complaints posted on CVG’s forums, Downie commented, “After carefully looking into this, reading the posts, talking to a lot of you directly and analysing the controls at GG we have come to the conclusion that there are no changes required to the system.”

"If at all, any changes to the controls would put the majority of people who have not had problems or have adapted out of whack, which may be more serious," he continued, adding, “Killzone 2 is a weighty, slower, more tactical first person experience that focuses on immersion.”

Despite this, Downie noted that a few tweaks were made to the game’s online component: "It is not a twitchy, split-second gun-wielding experience like some shooters. Also, the online experience is quicker as we've made the controls and animations a little faster during design."

Be sure to let us know your thoughts on the subject in the comments section below."


 I totally agree with them... i got used to it and people who dont like tough nooggies :P.... companys screwd over way too many games by listening to "what people want".....(SWG anyone?) .... there is a reason why magority of the people who want a game to change are not game developers :P

Well that's good news. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

Deneidez said:
WereKitten said:

A nice link for the ones truly curious about the issue of control responsiveness.

That is so wrong or well ok that is what they did years ago, but really they don't do it like that anymore. That just doesn't work with current rendering times & stuff.

I'm sure that's not a realistic game mainloop, but it looked nice as a starting point for anyone who wanted to read on the subject, and it introduces the concepts cleanly. If you have something to suggest for reading, please tell :)

About the Ninja Gaiden response time: again about 4 frames, but of course the 60fps framerate does all the difference.


"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman