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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 (Aiming Lag) Videos.

werekitten - owned the thread. like i said the game is under a microscope and any little thing is a mountain instead of an ant hill

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Meh, I'm tired of this ongoing back and forth debate though there is a noticable difference between singleplayer and multiplayer. In fact, they've said that they're still looking into it in the official forums.

The lag I'm annoyed with is when you're shooting somebody, they don't go down. I'd really like to see what everybody's ping is when I'm in games because some people go down normally while others feel like bullet sponges and they're also the people where you get the annoying thing where they kill you, but your bullets finally register and kill them while you're falling down.

Kantor said:
There will never be a game that everybody likes. Ever. People dislike Ocarina of Time.

I've said this many times, and I'll say it again.

If there ARE control issues, why do so many people not see them?
If there AREN'T control issues, why do so many people see them?

If there ARE control issues, why did over 750,000 people buy this in the first week?
2 reasons, 1) Hype, 2) They had to buy it before they played it

If there ARE control issues, why have none of the 200+ reviewers said so?
Clearly they were all bribed ;) To be fair though, the "heavy" or "inprecise" controls have been mentioned from well before launch, now people have found out why they are this way

If there ARE control issues, why the hell is the game so damned amazing?
Clearly it's not a game breaking issue, or at least not for most

If there ARE control issues, why do I have no problems whatsoever with the controls?
Clearly you mustn't be very good... in all seriousness, some people play FPS as a full time job almost (see: Halo) and get unbelievably good. They demand precise controls to pull off their moves and will always get frustrated by issues like this.

At the end of the day, the problem must be an issue for some. It's stupid to just deny it exists because it doesn't bother you.


Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

^ funny you mention halo controlls...

sega4life said:


Found a couple videos from here, of the Aiming "Lag" as people describe it.

People say it's "Realism" as an excuse, when it's has nothing to do with realism, and it is a problem for many...

If the devs were looking for that much realism, they would take away the crosshairs..

Realism (as in real life) doesn't have a delay when you pull a trigger... just saying...

Hopefully a patch will fix some issues many people have..



This second vid, the guy tries to give an example, but he holds the camera and trys to play... first video is better..




I would like to add to the "weight of the weapons give it realism, it's not lag" argument..

If the devs were looking for weight for the weapons, why does the Handgun have the same "lag feel" as a light machine gun?    


The only thing the first video tells me is the author of the video did his test incorrectly.  Two problems that really stand out and would be obvious to most people are the source video that he uses is only 30 frames per second, you can't effetively measure controller lag with fewer than 60 frames per second, and the second problem is he didn't calibrate his tv set.  All lcd's add lag(Yes even in Game mode).  The author claimed that his xmb ran at 1/30ths "maybe even faster", but we already know that the xmb runs at 3/60ths. 

Source ->

If you feel lag and it is harming your enjoyment of the game, you should probably return it.  This goes for any video game. 



Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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WereKitten said:


polling controls at least once per frame won't ensure 0-1 lag if, for example, the physics engine takes more than 33ms for its loop responding to your input and updating the world model. Not saying it does, just that there are several things happening between your input and the scene model changes and then from that to the rendering.

Wouldn't that effect rendering too? GPU just cannot do its work if it doesn't get info what to do. Neither you can render physics stuff that is partially calculated.

While(1) //GameLoop






Well as most of computers and consoles are multicore, you could always give input polling for core thats doing lots of other stuff and ensure that inputs aren't polled as fast as stuff is rendered, but that would be just plain stupid. Btw, I tried clogging up my engine and it does respond always withing 0-1 frames(Why wouldn't it? :) ).

(Looks like my coordless keyboard has ~2 frames lag with 30 fps. I should use my keytronic, but I really cannot use it because its not even ps/2 its AT. :D)

IMHO the controls can only be seen as 'wrong' or 'laggy' if the developers did not intend for them to feel like this - i.e. due to development flaws the controls don't handle as desired.

I really don't believe this. The developers have said themselves they wanted this feel and it is very consistent and even throughout the game.

Now, the feel is surely different from the norm for FPS, and as such it may not be to everyone's liking - in fact GG may have taken a choice that will cost them some sales.

But unless someone can prove that the controls aren't supposed to feel like that then its down to user preference however the game in and of itself is as intended.

I found it hard at first but am now fine. I like the different feel, even though I still curse when I miss due to the weight, and am glad that GG didn't go for the exact same FPS feel just with different skins/textures, etc. that makes too many FPS feel like cookie cutter copies of each other.

Sure, CoD4 feel might be more popular, but I'd rather have variety than every FPS feel like CoD4.

This reminds me of the LBP control complaints - the situation was the same, the controls were deliberate and if you wanted Mario / standard platform feel controls you were out of luck.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

@NJ5 / Deneidez

The only honest answer is that I don't really know how your typical FPS game engine is built, thus I have no sound idea about the costs and order of the various code paths :)
I wonder if someone with first-hand experience will enlighten us? Meanwhile I'll google around, I'm curious.

"All you need in life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure." - Mark Twain

"..." - Gordon Freeman

@Reasonable: Lag is an objective term which leaves no room for interpretation. It is certainly an undesirable thing, whether the developers knew about it or not is another question.

I would agree with you regarding the "heavy feeling" and acceleration and all that stuff... that's a matter of opinion unlike lag.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

.... Still not oooover the bitching.. Jeez... Someone just sell me their copy already(Less $10). I'd gladly buy it. :P