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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official Gamespot MP3 Review 8.5

Gamespot game Perfect Dark Zeo 9.0, does that mean Perfect Dark Zero is better than MP 3
Gamespot scores should be adjusted for inflation caused by the X360 launch, a 9.0 score for PDZ means MP3 deserves 9.5 minimum.

Heeeeyyyy!!!! <Snap>

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albionus said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Legend11 said:
Wait, isn't 1UP supposed to be the big anti-Wii website?

Thats what they said about it till it gave metroid a good score, now they picking on gamespot.

Seriously anyone else not see this?

1up gave it a 9 and had an equally idiotic review (2 frickin hours of frustration to learn the controls?!!! Your job is to review Wii games, play your flippin Wii sometime or get someone else to do it). For the record the 3 bad sites are Gamespot, Gamepro (which also has an idiotic review of MP3), and 1up. The problem is not only are their reviews contradictory but many belie a total lack of knowledge about how the Wii works/controls which shows they almost never play it. That's fine if you're some average gamer but not when your job is to review Wii games.

You're an idiot. There haven't even been many Wii games to review lately. 1UP is a great source and they gave this game a 90.

Why don't you guys play the freaking game before complaining that it didn't get perfect scores. Don't bash every single source that scored it "low."


Nintendo Power
The stunning visuals and immersive gameplay of the finale to the Prime series proves that the Wii is ready for the mainstream gamer. [Oct 2007, p.86]
The original "Metroid Prime" is one of the highest-rated games in existence, but Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is easily superior. It’s far less frustrating, and more action packed, while managing to redefine console shooting controls in the process.
Not only do the new controls respond quicker and with more precision than any dual-analog-helmed FPS ever created, but the gesture system works brilliantly, too. Meanwhile, the title delivers everything a Metroid fan could hope for, including spectacular environmental puzzles, epic boss fights and intense combat, all wrapped up in a package that spans multiple worlds and is filled with re-traversal exploration.
Instead of blazing through the galaxy using a more traditional game controller, tackle enormous bosses and solve head-scratching puzzles using the Wii's remote and nunchuk. The experience is nothing short of extraordinary.
On the whole, Corruption takes advantage of the Wii's biggest strength (with its unique controls), and minimizes its greatest weakness (through astounding art direction), while otherwise maintaining or improving upon the high standards and overall polish the series is known for.
Even with its great new controls, decent story and amazing visuals, there are some annoyances that have bled through from the other games...The biggest offender is the way the game streams new levels.
While the game isn't littered with NPCs, there's a lot of interaction with fellow bounty hunters and objectives given from outside sources. It seems like this and the multi-planet settings were both added to make the game feel more like an action-adventure than an adventure-action title, which is a shame since it flies in the face of what made Metroid one of the best franchises in gaming.
It's got exactly what you would expect from the last in an acclaimed trilogy of titles: great boss battles, involved environmental puzzles, and a smooth control scheme that cements exactly how FPS controls should work on the platform...While the lack of multiplayer is disappointing, the single-player campaign won't leave you wanting.
So I guess you only like Nintendo Power.


I think it comes down to this, the reviewers can be idiots, and retards and everything as LONG as they put metroid a high review

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
windbane said:
albionus said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Legend11 said:
Wait, isn't 1UP supposed to be the big anti-Wii website?

Thats what they said about it till it gave metroid a good score, now they picking on gamespot.

Seriously anyone else not see this?

1up gave it a 9 and had an equally idiotic review (2 frickin hours of frustration to learn the controls?!!! Your job is to review Wii games, play your flippin Wii sometime or get someone else to do it). For the record the 3 bad sites are Gamespot, Gamepro (which also has an idiotic review of MP3), and 1up. The problem is not only are their reviews contradictory but many belie a total lack of knowledge about how the Wii works/controls which shows they almost never play it. That's fine if you're some average gamer but not when your job is to review Wii games.

You're an idiot. There haven't even been many Wii games to review lately. 1UP is a great source and they gave this game a 90.

Why don't you guys play the freaking game before complaining that it didn't get perfect scores. Don't bash every single source that scored it "low."


Nintendo Power
The stunning visuals and immersive gameplay of the finale to the Prime series proves that the Wii is ready for the mainstream gamer. [Oct 2007, p.86]
The original "Metroid Prime" is one of the highest-rated games in existence, but Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is easily superior. It’s far less frustrating, and more action packed, while managing to redefine console shooting controls in the process.
Not only do the new controls respond quicker and with more precision than any dual-analog-helmed FPS ever created, but the gesture system works brilliantly, too. Meanwhile, the title delivers everything a Metroid fan could hope for, including spectacular environmental puzzles, epic boss fights and intense combat, all wrapped up in a package that spans multiple worlds and is filled with re-traversal exploration.
Instead of blazing through the galaxy using a more traditional game controller, tackle enormous bosses and solve head-scratching puzzles using the Wii's remote and nunchuk. The experience is nothing short of extraordinary.
On the whole, Corruption takes advantage of the Wii's biggest strength (with its unique controls), and minimizes its greatest weakness (through astounding art direction), while otherwise maintaining or improving upon the high standards and overall polish the series is known for.
Even with its great new controls, decent story and amazing visuals, there are some annoyances that have bled through from the other games...The biggest offender is the way the game streams new levels.
While the game isn't littered with NPCs, there's a lot of interaction with fellow bounty hunters and objectives given from outside sources. It seems like this and the multi-planet settings were both added to make the game feel more like an action-adventure than an adventure-action title, which is a shame since it flies in the face of what made Metroid one of the best franchises in gaming.
It's got exactly what you would expect from the last in an acclaimed trilogy of titles: great boss battles, involved environmental puzzles, and a smooth control scheme that cements exactly how FPS controls should work on the platform...While the lack of multiplayer is disappointing, the single-player campaign won't leave you wanting.
So I guess you only like Nintendo Power.


 Errr, did you read up to "1up gave it a 9" and then decided to call someone else an idiot or did you even read the rest of that sentence? He isn't complaining about the score, rather the review... 

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windbane said:
albionus said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
Legend11 said:
Wait, isn't 1UP supposed to be the big anti-Wii website?

Thats what they said about it till it gave metroid a good score, now they picking on gamespot.

Seriously anyone else not see this?

1up gave it a 9 and had an equally idiotic review (2 frickin hours of frustration to learn the controls?!!! Your job is to review Wii games, play your flippin Wii sometime or get someone else to do it). For the record the 3 bad sites are Gamespot, Gamepro (which also has an idiotic review of MP3), and 1up. The problem is not only are their reviews contradictory but many belie a total lack of knowledge about how the Wii works/controls which shows they almost never play it. That's fine if you're some average gamer but not when your job is to review Wii games.

You're an idiot. There haven't even been many Wii games to review lately. 1UP is a great source and they gave this game a 90.

Why don't you guys play the freaking game before complaining that it didn't get perfect scores. Don't bash every single source that scored it "low."


Nintendo Power
The stunning visuals and immersive gameplay of the finale to the Prime series proves that the Wii is ready for the mainstream gamer. [Oct 2007, p.86]
The original "Metroid Prime" is one of the highest-rated games in existence, but Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is easily superior. It’s far less frustrating, and more action packed, while managing to redefine console shooting controls in the process.
Not only do the new controls respond quicker and with more precision than any dual-analog-helmed FPS ever created, but the gesture system works brilliantly, too. Meanwhile, the title delivers everything a Metroid fan could hope for, including spectacular environmental puzzles, epic boss fights and intense combat, all wrapped up in a package that spans multiple worlds and is filled with re-traversal exploration.
Instead of blazing through the galaxy using a more traditional game controller, tackle enormous bosses and solve head-scratching puzzles using the Wii's remote and nunchuk. The experience is nothing short of extraordinary.
On the whole, Corruption takes advantage of the Wii's biggest strength (with its unique controls), and minimizes its greatest weakness (through astounding art direction), while otherwise maintaining or improving upon the high standards and overall polish the series is known for.
Even with its great new controls, decent story and amazing visuals, there are some annoyances that have bled through from the other games...The biggest offender is the way the game streams new levels.
While the game isn't littered with NPCs, there's a lot of interaction with fellow bounty hunters and objectives given from outside sources. It seems like this and the multi-planet settings were both added to make the game feel more like an action-adventure than an adventure-action title, which is a shame since it flies in the face of what made Metroid one of the best franchises in gaming.
It's got exactly what you would expect from the last in an acclaimed trilogy of titles: great boss battles, involved environmental puzzles, and a smooth control scheme that cements exactly how FPS controls should work on the platform...While the lack of multiplayer is disappointing, the single-player campaign won't leave you wanting.
So I guess you only like Nintendo Power.


First of all, you do not ever call someone else an idiot.  That is never appropriate, and I request that you learn to post in a reasonable and polite way or do not post at all.  Second, I'm glad you decided to actually read the topic before insulting everyone here.  

I gave my opinions on why I disliked the review.  I said specifically that I don't think the site is biased against the Wii, I just think they took a big name game and gave it a lower than expected review in order to generate extra site traffic.  I have no problems with the score of an 8.5, but I feel that reviews need to be clear, concise, and justify their scores.  The Gamespot and Gamepro reviews failed to do this.  I don't think the game is perfect, nor am I claiming it even deserves higher scores than that necessarily (after all, I have not played it yet), but no matter what score you give out, you need to write a concise and descriptive review of the game.

1UP gave it a 9.0, but I don't like their review because I don't feel that it did a very good job of explaining itself either.  I liked IGN's review because theirs was 4 pages of concise, detailed information about the game, it's problems, and it's strong points.  They clearly broke down everything good and bad about the game, and scored it accordingly.  Gametrailers did a similarly good job with their review, as did Gamespy and Gamedaily. 

As far as multiplayer goes, I can tell you never played Metroid Prime 2, which makes your comments even more ridiculous.  The multiplayer in Metroid Prime 2 was godawful.  It had it's score LOWERED simply because the multiplayer was so bad.  The only other Metroid game to have multiplayer was Metroid Prime Hunters, which was reviewed poorly because it didn't play at all like a Metroid game.  Metroid is simply not a series designed for multiplayer.   It's an adventure game, and it's no more valid to ask for multiplayer in MP3 than it is to ask for it in Zelda or Bioshock.  Please don't waste my time and yours trying to argue with me about a game series you know nothing about.  I will no more discuss the merits of multiplayer in this game with you than I would discuss the quality of an opera with a deaf man.

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thanks for the short on all the reviews. Now I am starting to get interested.

But seriously, scores have been inflating on the net. I remember the good old 90s....

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The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

your an idiot naznatips because...... you still dont understand that im the greatest /flex lol j/k

o btw i mentioned this a wihle back and you said that when they post later and lower that they really just dont like the game, its not for popularity. It seems we can agree that it does have an influence. BTW i agree with everything you said

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.

I subscribe to gamespot, so I tend to agree with there reviews. 8.5 not bad :D

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Lost tears of Kain said:
your an idiot naznatips because...... you still dont understand that im the greatest /flex lol j/k

o btw i mentioned this a wihle back and you said that when they post later and lower that they really just dont like the game, its not for popularity. It seems we can agree that it does have an influence. BTW i agree with everything you said

C'mon guys. Stay civil please. Same applies to windbane. Agree with naznatips, no need to call anyone an idiot.




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naznatips said:
I really don't think they hate the Wii, I think they just review big games badly on occasion to increase site traffic. Two victims of that being Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3. Their review pretty much contradicts everything said in the reviews of 9s and above, so I don't really understand why it's worth talking about much. It's like counting in Play's 9.0 review of Lair. Their review is an anomaly in a set, as are their complaints.

It's as simple as analyzing the evidence.

We have them claiming that they reviewed it worse because not much changed, but in their review history they have reviewing all these games better, despite even less changing: Ratchet and Clank games don't seem to be affected by the fact that nothing changes between them. Nor does Halo 2, Call of Duty 2 and 3, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Subsistence, Madden 08, GTA3 and it's various nearly identical reproductions, Dead or Alive 4, Guitar Hero 2, Half-Life 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, oh and about 100 other games that are identical or nearly identical to their predecessors yet scored higher than them, and higher than Metroid Prime 3.

We have them complaining about it being too easy, however they make no mention of the hard mode unlocked after beating the game (which by all other accounts is incredibly challenging. IGN even claimed they haven't been able to beat it yet). This shows two things: Either they never even played through the whole game to see that the hard mode is available, or they simply chose to ignore it when writing their review in order to help justify their score. The reason they claim it's too easy is pretty bad as well: the controls are TOO good. That's ridiculous. Bad controls should never be a reason for the difficulty of the game.

As I said, their review is simply the anomaly in the set. There is one other similar review in Gamepro, which does explain itself better, but their complaints seem to be the things everyone else praises. So we have 2 reviews below 9 out of 8 reviews. I have no problems with the scores themselves. I simply feel that scores should always be explained very clearly, and they fail to do so. Therefor, I eliminate them from my consideration in the value of the game. If you are unable to justify your score, you should not be reviewing the game.

@ GranTurismo:

You have no idea which game is better. You have not played both. Metroid Prime 3 is, and always has been, the final chapter in an ADVENTURE GAME. It's not designed for multiplayer. If Gamespot does not take off a significant chunk of points from Halo 3 for it's unchanging formula, then that would be continuing the double standard that they just showed with Metroid Prime 3. It's ridiculous to say that multiplayer games should automatically be scored above single player games. Some people don't even like multiplayer, and the games should not be compared. The Single Player genre shouldn't suffer just because you think it's fun getting called gay by 12 year olds for hours a day on Halo.

You forgot that, in addition to disliking that it was similar to previous Prime games, they disliked that it was dissimilar to previous Prime games. 

Gamepro may be trolling for hits too, but at least their review isn't incoherent.   

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