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Good job :)

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2009 has been a stinker so far...

Lot's of hyped games got high scores but didn't derserve it...

The best surprises were inFamous and Prototype. Everything else did not meet my expectations.

Great little update

PS3 is still way out in front.


And now I decided that it's time for a bit of list wars!

2008 vs. 2009 (so far)

Xbox 360

Titles: 21 vs. 19

Exclusives: 2 vs. 5

90+: 6 vs. 6

Nintendo DS

Titles: 7 vs. 6

Exclusives: 5 vs. 5

90+: 1 vs. 3

Nintendo Wii

Titles: 5 vs. 8

Exclusives: 2 vs. 4

90+: 3 vs. 2

Playstation 3

Titles: 23 vs. 25

Exclusives: 6 vs. 9

90+: 6 vs. 7

PlayStation Portable

Titles: 3 vs. 2

Exclusives: 3 vs. 2

90+: 1 vs. 0

PC Gaming

Titles: 17 vs. 13

Exclusives: 9 vs. 4

90+: 5 vs. 4

Alright, as so many people have been bugging me about this, I've relented. The thread will be updated again, but only at the end of each month. My primary bugbear here (too many bloody adverts popping up) seems to have subsided, but the site is still a laggy mess on my laptops, making updating this thread an exercise in patience and frustration, so things still aren't perfect. Nevertheless, the OP is now up to date.

So, given I've not updated for a while, the chart is obviously quite different:

  1. PS3 with 25 titles (10 exclusive)
  2. 360 with 18 titles (4 exclusive)
  3. PC with 10 titles (4 exclusive)
  4. Wii with 9 titles (5 exclusive)
  5. NDS with 3 titles (1 exclusive) & PSP with 3 titles (1 exclusive)

Any comments?

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Also, as it's not clear in the OP, the next update will be on the 31st October, then the 30th November, than, lastly, on the 31st of December, rounding the year off. The month after that I'll start a new thread and post a summary of the previous year in this thread.


Awesome, you're doing great!

Holy crap look at the PS3!


Thanks very much, Rainbird.

As for a little commentary: I'm impressed with the PS3: it seems to be having a storming year for games. I'm saddened at the lack of good exclusives for 360, although it's multi-plats are very strong. I'm stunned at the poor quality of releases for the PC, a platform I expected to be doing much better. I'm a little disappointed with the NDS, but handhelds never score very well in reviews anyway. And, lastly, I'm very disappointed in the PSP, given the recent release of the Go! and its slew of supposedly top-tier games that have made almost no impact on the chart at all.

puffy said:
Holy crap look at the PS3!

Yeah, I'll admit to being a little suprised at that. I decided to compile the list this morning after another email asking me to update this thread, and I never expected the PS3 to be so strongly in the lead, even though I knew its exclusives were pretty strong recently.

Anyone else surprised?