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Hmm, my OP looks an absolute mess now. I'll do something about it when I post the update next week. Looks like a bunch of graphics will need to be redrawn.

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Hapimeses said:

As you can see, inFAMOUS only had 5 reviews when I did today's update. If the game manages 85+ by next week, it'll be added with the update on the 27th. That said, it looks like 85+ may be a struggle for the game as some reviewers are marking it pretty low, and the upper scores aren't quite high enough to balance out the extreme lows. We'll see soon, huh?

It'll stay above 85. Only EuroGamer and Games Radar have given it below 80, and most of the credible reviewers have it in the 90+ range. Edge will be retarded and give it a 6 or something, but there are enough normal reviewers to keep it above 85, I think.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
Hapimeses said:

As you can see, inFAMOUS only had 5 reviews when I did today's update. If the game manages 85+ by next week, it'll be added with the update on the 27th. That said, it looks like 85+ may be a struggle for the game as some reviewers are marking it pretty low, and the upper scores aren't quite high enough to balance out the extreme lows. We'll see soon, huh?

It'll stay above 85. Only EuroGamer and Games Radar have given it below 80, and most of the credible reviewers have it in the 90+ range. Edge will be retarded and give it a 6 or something, but there are enough normal reviewers to keep it above 85, I think.

I agree, now. 87 on 32 reviews looks pretty solid. Even with a couple of extra really low marks the 85+ looks pretty safe. Looks like the PS3 has another exclusive to add to the list.

what about Star Ocean 4?


Zizzla_Rachet said:
what about Star Ocean 4?

It has 74.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


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The update this week will be late due to issues with the OP's graphics. I'll be sorting it all over the next two days.

Also, it appears my initial prediction was correct regards inFAMOUS: it's at a very dangerous 85 now. There is far more space below the 85 mark for marking down than there is above the 85 mark for marking up, after all, and some of the reviews are pretty low (a 60, for example).

I wonder if it will be 85+ by the time the new graphics are ready...

I think inFamous is safe. It only just dropped back down to 85, with some 60 reviews in, so I don't think it's going anywhere.

You could be right.

I should have the OP sorted and updated by tomorrow.

Hello all. This is the upate for 07/06.

Before I begin, I'd like to issue an apology for the length of time it's taken me to update the OP. This thread was designed to be easy to update, as I have so little freetime. However, the re-launch of the website forced me to redo the graphics to match the colour formatting, and I've had little time to do so; hence, the delay.

Anyway, enough of that, as it's updated now (although a few formatting issues still exist); let's get to the chart already!

  • Braid on the PC has finally hit the chart with a Metascore of 90 barely averaged from 10 reviews.
  • Plants vs. Zombies for the PC slips slightly from 89 to 88.
  • Punch-Out!! for the Wii falls from 90 to 88.
  • Red Faction: Guerrilla for the PS3 debues on the chart with a Metascore of 87 secured from 23 reviews.
  • Guitar Hero: Metallica on the PS3 tumbles to 87 from 89.
  • Red Faction: Guerrilla enters for the chart for the 360 with a Metascore of 86 gathered from 36 reviews.
  • The Sims 3 on PC joins the chart for the first time with a Metascore of 86 drawn from 26 reviews.
  • Boom Blox Smash Party squeezes into the chart for the first time with a Metascore of 85 derived from 23 reviews.
  • inFAMOUS for the PS3 scrapes in for the first time with a Metascore of 85 calculated from 66 reviews.
  • Guitar Hero: Metallica for the 360 falls from the chart for the 360, slipping from 86 to 84.
  • UFC 2009: Undisputed departs the chart for the PS3, creeping down to 84 from 85.
  • UFC 2009: Undisputed also leaves the chart for the 360, dropping to 83 from 85.
  • Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride again tumbles out of the chart for the NDS, dropping to 84 from 85.

So, the chart has changed significantly, with the PS3 moving further ahead, the PC climbing to 2nd from 3rd, the Wii climbing to 3rd from 4th, and the 360 plummeting from 2nd to 4th.

  1. PS3 with 9 titles (4 exclusive)
  2. PC with 6 titles (4 exclusive)
  3. Wii with 5 titles (3 exclusive)
  4. 360 with 5 titles (1 exclusive)
  5. NDS with 3 titles (3 exclusive)
  6. PSP with 0 titles

Lastly, the future titles that may hit the chart are:

  • Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box -- 360 -- 89 -- 8 reviews
  • Comet Crash -- PS3 -- 86 -- 6 reviews
  • EVE Online: Apocrypha -- PC -- 90 -- 6 reviews

Until next time.

Edit: This is my 500th post!

No need to apologize, after being fitted to the new design, your OP still looks great.

I wonder if GH:M for the PS3 will ever drop below 85. Or if the 360 version will come back up. I hope either of those happen, so people wont be complaining about it, and I hope the three games without the needed reviews get what they need soon. I hate seeing them stuck down there

And grats on the post