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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Metroid Prime 3 Reviews Thread

vanguardian1 said:
I can say I think MP3 is phenominal, my local Wal-Mart put it on sale early. *u*

 I seriously hate you right now.


OH I can't wait. I am nearly finished with Godfather.

All missions done, 2 more compounds and 6 more assassinations. 2 nights max. Then, its MP3 till the mother brain perishes. 

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As long as it's Metroid v. Bioshock comparisons. Halo 3 v. Metroid or Bioshock v. Halo 3 comparisons make me sad. Sad for the whole game journalism. I am surprised GS hasn't already jumped on the Wii bandwagon yet, as the game blogosphere seems to be shifting slowly. If Wii continues to sell so well, the anti-Wii sites are going to be (at best) scaring off potential new
readers or (at worst) alienating existing readers.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

grandmaster192 said:
I do respect your opinions, Shams, but you're giving out extreemly high scores to Excitetruck and Mario Stikers. Now, when a game scores 90% or higher, that means it's legendary and is one of the best game of it's generation. Games like Super Mario World or Wind Walker are 9/10 games. I seriously have doubts about Metroid standing on the same ground as something legendary like Mario, for example. Just look at Resistance. The game is incredible. Amazing graphics, rock-solid gameplay and great multiplayer with amazing single player, as well; yet the game is still not a 9/10 game. In fact, the game is at 88% on gamerankings, which means that it's an 8.8/10. Gamespot gave Resistance an 8.6/10, which is very close to what Metroid got. Even with a score under 90%, Resistance is respected as the best PS3 game out, one of the best FPS out, and one of the best next-gen game out period. 8.5 is a very strong score, and means that Metroid is a very, very good game. I see nothing wrong with Gamespots reveiw or the overrall score. Metroid, along with other great games, is an 8.5/10 game.

The boldened statement shows that you have never actually played a single Metroid game in your life, thus proving that your opinion about MP3 holds no weight.   Gamers with the slightest knowledge of the NES/SNES days know that the Metroid franchise is just as Legendary as Zelda or Mario.  

Also, if a score over 90% makes a game legendary, how the hell do you explain Warioware's 9.1 from Gamespot or their 8.8 of Wii's Zelda Twilight Princess (You said yourself that the Zelda franchise was legendary)? Our complaints have very little to do with the score itself but rather Gamespot's total inconsistancy and lack of justification for the reviews they hand out.

naznatips said:
Astrodust said:
stof said:
Astrodust said:
The reviews I've seen are thorough enough for me. The only downside for me is lack of multiplayer to extend the life of the game but I have Gears of War for that. I've only played it once in like the last 4 months. I suck at it. My roommates girlfriend could own me in that game. She plays Gears like 5 hours a day. No joke.

Metroid isn't a very multiplayer friendly series. It would be kind of like making The Legend of Zelda multiplayer.

Metroid would make a great Multiplayer with a bit of work. They proved it can be done on the DS and I am sure they will look at it in the future. So it is not unfamiliar territory for Metroid. If there is any game that allows Nintendo to ease into the multiplayer arena with an already established fanbase, it's Metroid. The setting in Metroid would also allow for some fantastic matches in very exotic alien locations.

I think you're forgetting that the DS version flopped hard, and was criticized by fans and critics alike.

Also, Retro said that they were taking a break from the Metroid series to work on other stuff.  I'm hoping for Kid Icarus personally. 

The DS version didn't do as well as Nintendo had hoped but the game was very well received by critics. Check the reviews. The problem is that the DS is not a great fps platform. People would rather trade Pokemons on it than play a fps. FPS are meant to be played at home for long stretches at a time. That said, I hope Metroid takes a break for a couple of years and comes back freshs.



Astrodust said:
I do agree that the "sequel" reason for deducting points is pretty weak sauce.

Unfortunately, this "sauce" seems to be spreading in popularity in many reviews.  I don't recall which one, but one of the lower reviews of Bioshock was in part due to lack of a multiplayer system.  That was known from the beginning of development and isn't a "feature" that can be tested in the game and hence shouldn't have any bearing on the overall title's score.

Sequel or not, the game has to stand on it's own.  The title cannot be judged by past titles -- even if it is number 97 of the series.  To have deducted anything in comparing it to previous titles is just nuts.  Certainly the reviewer can talk about past versions, compare and contrast, etc. but in the end, the game has to be played as a unique title and graded accordingly... 

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

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Astrodust said:
naznatips said:
Astrodust said:
stof said:
Astrodust said:
The reviews I've seen are thorough enough for me. The only downside for me is lack of multiplayer to extend the life of the game but I have Gears of War for that. I've only played it once in like the last 4 months. I suck at it. My roommates girlfriend could own me in that game. She plays Gears like 5 hours a day. No joke.

Metroid isn't a very multiplayer friendly series. It would be kind of like making The Legend of Zelda multiplayer.

Metroid would make a great Multiplayer with a bit of work. They proved it can be done on the DS and I am sure they will look at it in the future. So it is not unfamiliar territory for Metroid. If there is any game that allows Nintendo to ease into the multiplayer arena with an already established fanbase, it's Metroid. The setting in Metroid would also allow for some fantastic matches in very exotic alien locations.

I think you're forgetting that the DS version flopped hard, and was criticized by fans and critics alike.

Also, Retro said that they were taking a break from the Metroid series to work on other stuff. I'm hoping for Kid Icarus personally.

The DS version didn't do as well as Nintendo had hoped but the game was very well received by critics. Check the reviews. The problem is that the DS is not a great fps platform. People would rather trade Pokemons on it than play a fps. FPS are meant to be played at home for long stretches at a time. That said, I hope Metroid takes a break for a couple of years and comes back freshs.

It was NOT well recievedby critics at all, at least not as a Metroid game.   The common statement was "It's a great handheld FPS, and an abosultely horrible Metroid game."

Oh and I just got Prime 3, so I'm going to go off and play it for a few hours. I'll post impressions on here when I'm done. See you guys then!

I have been playing the game for about 3 hours now and I can tell you one thing for sure: Exploration is barely toned down at all. It's simply been streamlined to make it easier. The only time you don't explore much is on the first planet when you are surrounded by a bunch of marines. So if you don't like exploration, do NOT buy this game.

Graphically, the game is gorgeous. It's art really just blows me away (I'm playing it on a 42" Plasma). The environments are just completely stunning. This isn't as much true about the first planet (Which is full of sci-fi futuristic technology), but after that the standard gorgeous and unique Metroid environments set in.

As far as controls, there is no denying that these completely blow dual analog away. I am just stunned by how much I like them. I actually enjoy the controls more than mouse and keyboard. That's not to say they are quite as good for shooters as mouse and keyboard, but they are a complete blast.

With these new controls, there is certainly more combat than in past titles, but believe me: It has in no way overwritten the adventure aspects of the game. Nor has it destroyed the feeling of desolation and solitude (and wonder) you get from being on these amazing alien planets with no help. As I said, the first hour or so of the game is different, but after that you'll find yourself thrown into the same Prime formula as past games. However, that formula has been tweaked and perfected to really balance it out better. There are still thousands of things to scan per level, and you are still going to need to backtrack a lot, but the ship makes that much faster and easier. If I agree with any review entirely, it's the Gametrailers one.

Conclusion: If you really just couldn't get into the other Prime games at all due to the amount of exploration, you probably still won't like this one. If you thought the games could be great if they just made it a little easier to get around and upped the amount of combat, then you should love this one. However, it is a Metroid Prime game in every way, so don't expect Halo.

Naznatips's score for the first few hours of the game: 9.5. It would be a bit higher, but there is a bit too much combat in the beginning. However, I understand this is really meant as a tutorial for people so I am just nitpicking.  I'm off to play some more!

Haven't read the review from GS, but 8.5 score should:

1) be compared to other games which got similar score (on wii and on other systems too)

2) be compared to the average review score from atleast 30-50 review sources

3) be justified from the pro and con sides of the review

Frankly, i've stopped caring about scores from Gamespot because they often are illogical. I think game journalism should advance along with the game industry, and that means better education for the game journalism ppl, which would result in better and less biased reviews and more logical score breakdown.


Having missed out on the first few metroid games I was a little apprehensive about how the third one would play. To correct this I have recently played through Prime, completed with a ninety-one percent, and rented Echoes; have it setting on my TV as I type. However last night as I was walking thru the local Wal Mart I happened to see the sales clerk stocking up on Corruption. I calmly walked over and asked for a copy, moved on to the register and fifty-two dollars and seventy-six cents later was the proud owner of what is probably one of the best games I have played in the last few years.  While there are a few faults in the game the over all package is just near perfect.


After having played for an hour I found my self on the first planet battling my way to start up a generator. So far a few complaints have come up. Some of them with the game and some of them with the other reviews I have read. First let’s talk about the game.


The major complaint I have so far is just a nit picky one. Call me crazy but unless in the future there is an over abundance of clones, or pentahepseptuplets are the only one who can serve in space, the ships crew all looked the same. I suppose to counter this they decided to make the voice acting different, which is a nice touch, but is not enough. My other concern is the ease in which to spot scanable items. It might be different in echo but in prime the only way to spot scanable was to set the orange or red symbol. Here all you have to do is throw on the scan visor and blam, as if dipped in paint the whole item glows. Some of the fun in the first game was to hunt down those items. In corruption there still will be hunting, only know we will be going after elephants instead of lions.


Now for some outside game grips firstly, the controls. Everywhere I have read I see the same complaints that  it’s awkward to hit buttons. I want to put this one to rest real fast. This is with out any doubt the silkiest controls I have ever felt in any game, hands down. Whether I was switching between visors, morphing in to a ball, or ripping away shields, I was in total control. I will be fair and say I have been getting a lot of game time out of the Wii, so maybe I am just used to how the waggle stick feels in my hand. After ten minutes scanning and blowing up boxes I was in control. Before I even left the ship I had over 400 kills, thanks mostly to the energy room and the little crawling things. And as far as turning around, two seconds is not a problem. After all that is why strafing is made available. And lastly the lack of HD is not even an issue, after all who needs HD cartoons?


Other then these few problems the game has kept me absolutely wrapped up in the struggles of bounty hunting. If not for work I would be home now blasting pirates and scanning odds and ends. The controls respond to my slightest whims, the music is enthralling, the sounds enticing, and the combat unmatched. With little doubt I can say Nintendo has delivered a “hardcore” gamers’ game.