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Forums - Sony Discussion - How Far Have The Playstation 3's Graphics Progressed Since Its Launch

Another thread where Nintendo Fanboys and 360 Fanboys come to downplay the Ps3....

Anyways it's good to se graphics actually improving rather then staying the same *Cough* Nintendo...after 2 years...and comparing Resistance and Killzone 2 is fair...just because they have different names mean nothing...they are still both FPS...

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JoHnNyFr3sC0 said:
Another thread where Nintendo Fanboys and 360 Fanboys come to downplay the Ps3....

Anyways it's good to se graphics actually improving rather then staying the same *Cough* Nintendo...after 2 years...and comparing Resistance and Killzone 2 is fair...just because they have different names mean nothing...they are still both FPS...

I'm not downplaying the PS3 at all.  I'm not saying that comparing Resistance 1 to Killzone 2 is unfair, either.  I was merely emphasizing what a crappy job they did at picking screenshots for the comparison.  Using the screenshots supplied, I'd say PS3 graphics haven't gotten better at all, and has even slipped lower in a few areas.  However from actually viewing both Resistance and Killzone 2 in person, I know this is not the case.  The comparison was destroyed by a lack of good screen shots to make a decent comparison.

Not the best comparisons you have to admit...resistance 1 to resistance 2 would be far better as it would show how one developer has progressed in particular

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

@johnny--yet another thread where sony fanboys try to grasp at tiny straws like they will save the world ;)

this is all a moot point b/c as far as improvement goes none can touch the wii

i mean lets look at this


action game


Ninja Bread Man


vs another action game


Deadly Creatures





or a fighter


Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy



Smash Bros



gebx said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
People, like me, who don't care about the PS3, and just have cynical eyes to glance at crap like this, can't tell the difference.


You mean your not impressed that a 2+ year old console has new games that look better then its launch titles??

If this isn't news worthy then strike me down and call me a 360 fanboy!


 I'm not impressed with the choices of pics in compairing games or the fact that UA vs God of War III especially doesn't make sense... UA was a port from the Xbox version on both the PS3 and 360.

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Sorry that comment was not meant for you...your postin actually make sense and are not Fanboyist (new word lol) order to make a real comparison we would need to see HD quality videos...and even those are questionable because you never know the settings or Tv's they are using....

My point is it's hard to judge the differences by pictures...this goes for every console out now...Ps3, 360, and Nintendo....


You just proved my the way this was an actual article on a website..."Ps3 Fanboys" did'nt just come up with it...

@johnny---why did you link my profile?

and apparently you cant spot a joke



Idk lol...and I couldnt see the pictures you posted till now...those screen shots look pretty good though so thats a bad joke lmao...I would like to see video comparison of launch titles with titles out now for every console though :(

^ooooh god dont say that---seriously go look at some of the drek on the wii and you will want to burn your eyes ......its bad ..i mean really bad

and dont get me wrong the ps3 had grown , but its more like learning to take a wobbly step after learning to stand

while other machine went straight from teh womb to running marathons


mesoteto said:

@johnny--yet another thread where sony fanboys try to grasp at tiny straws like they will save the world ;)

this is all a moot point b/c as far as improvement goes none can touch the wii

i mean lets look at this


action game


Ninja Bread Man



vs another action game


Deadly Creatures






or a fighter


Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy




Smash Bros



Hey hey hey hey hey!, you can't post that in this forum/thread sorry, it's "PLAYSTATION 3's" graphics progress not Wii