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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Consoles are this eras PCs

Branko2166 said:
There is more than enough room for PCs and consoles to co-exist. In fact I think they compliment each other. I love my PC-PS3 combo.


It seems like the PC-Wii is the win/win combination.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Console gaming becomes something of a compromise when a few genres, or some aspects of the gameplay are considered. But we just cant argue with the wider appeal , and a greater variety in genres console gaming offers.

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

vlad321 said:

The feature is a bit too long so here's the link and just the first section:


How PC Gaming Ended Up on Your Couch
...and why it's not going away.

By Robert Ashley

The '90s were the golden age of PC gaming. In that heady decade, PC gamemakers invented the first-person-shooter genre, connected players on the online battlefield for the first time, transformed 3D graphics from primitive blur to virtual world, and unleashed a flurry of innovative ideas that changed the gaming world forever. No serious gamer of that era would've guessed that the end of PC primacy was just around the corner. But in 2001, the old gray box met an unexpected contender, an upstart game console produced by a software company. Microsoft's Xbox, for all intents and purposes, was a PC. It had a hard drive, offered broadband online gaming, and packed in technology that approached the PC standard of the day. Most importantly, it was cheap (a few hundred dollars compared to the $1,000-plus you'd need for a high-end gaming PC). Within a few years of the Xbox's release, a seemingly intractable war between two gaming cultures-one that valued depth, strategy, and top-of-the-line technology, the other obsessed with reaction time, all-ages appeal, and mass-market pricing-was over. The game console emerged victorious.

Only it didn't. Because while the PC, as a gaming platform, has seen better days, the gaming culture it championed rules the day. You may play your games on the big screen in the living room, but if you're spending this holiday season playing games like Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet, and Gears of War 2, you're a PC gamer. Here's the breakdown of just how this unlikely scenario happened:



MY opinion? Well, if games tese days were actually, you know... GOOD, maybe I wouldn't still have NWN, Diablo 2, SC, WC3, UT2004, and HL2 still installed on my PC due to the horrible state of recent games. I think developers grew retarded or just dropped any quality when they did the switch....


Edit: Dammit, forgot the ' in the title.

I really hate when console gamers say that PC has seen better days when there's more great PC games coming today than ever before, and that the PC gaming fanbase is nearing 300 millions. But the article is from 1up, so I'm not surprised it's of lower quality.

@Vlad, if we compare last year's PC lineup with the lineup of any console, PC easily wins. No contest, and 2009 will be an even bigger year for PC.

BringBackChrono said:
Console gaming becomes something of a compromise when a few genres, or some aspects of the gameplay are considered. But we just cant argue with the wider appeal , and a greater variety in genres console gaming offers.

Console gaming has more variety than PC??!! HAHAHA, that's a rich one! Consoles don't even have any games from Adventure, Strategy and Simulation genres - that's 3 out of the 8 genres in video games.


shio said:
vlad321 said:

The feature is a bit too long so here's the link and just the first section:


How PC Gaming Ended Up on Your Couch
...and why it's not going away.

By Robert Ashley

The '90s were the golden age of PC gaming. In that heady decade, PC gamemakers invented the first-person-shooter genre, connected players on the online battlefield for the first time, transformed 3D graphics from primitive blur to virtual world, and unleashed a flurry of innovative ideas that changed the gaming world forever. No serious gamer of that era would've guessed that the end of PC primacy was just around the corner. But in 2001, the old gray box met an unexpected contender, an upstart game console produced by a software company. Microsoft's Xbox, for all intents and purposes, was a PC. It had a hard drive, offered broadband online gaming, and packed in technology that approached the PC standard of the day. Most importantly, it was cheap (a few hundred dollars compared to the $1,000-plus you'd need for a high-end gaming PC). Within a few years of the Xbox's release, a seemingly intractable war between two gaming cultures-one that valued depth, strategy, and top-of-the-line technology, the other obsessed with reaction time, all-ages appeal, and mass-market pricing-was over. The game console emerged victorious.

Only it didn't. Because while the PC, as a gaming platform, has seen better days, the gaming culture it championed rules the day. You may play your games on the big screen in the living room, but if you're spending this holiday season playing games like Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, LittleBigPlanet, and Gears of War 2, you're a PC gamer. Here's the breakdown of just how this unlikely scenario happened:



MY opinion? Well, if games tese days were actually, you know... GOOD, maybe I wouldn't still have NWN, Diablo 2, SC, WC3, UT2004, and HL2 still installed on my PC due to the horrible state of recent games. I think developers grew retarded or just dropped any quality when they did the switch....


Edit: Dammit, forgot the ' in the title.

I really hate when console gamers say that PC has seen better days when there's more great PC games coming today than ever before, and that the PC gaming fanbase is nearing 300 millions. But the article is from 1up, so I'm not surprised it's of lower quality.

@Vlad, if we compare last year's PC lineup with the lineup of any console, PC easily wins. No contest, and 2009 will be an even bigger year for PC.

BringBackChrono said:
Console gaming becomes something of a compromise when a few genres, or some aspects of the gameplay are considered. But we just cant argue with the wider appeal , and a greater variety in genres console gaming offers.

Console gaming has more variety than PC??!! HAHAHA, that's a rich one! Consoles don't even have any games from Adventure, Strategy and Simulation genres - that's 3 out of the 8 genres in video games.


Ignore my last quote -.-

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vlad321 said:


It seems like the PC-Wii is the win/win combination.


That is what I have and they seem to complement each other well.


As for gaming consoles turning into PC's, I think it is happening.  Someday, maybe in the next generation, we probably see some gaming consoles becoming specialized PC's with specialized hardware.  Think of a Macantosh made for gaming.  Even then, games will probably be made only to work on Microsoft's gaming PC or Sony's gaming PC (or whoever is making them).

I don't think it says anything about PC's that this is happening, but more about consoles.  The flexibility of PC's will keep them around for quite awhile, especially as more people are learning how to work on their own.


Consoles dont have adventure games?And simulation might just be the most irrelevant genre gaming has right now. And what about PC losing enormous ground in some of its best areas( shooters, RPGs etc)? And what about sports titles(which actually is a relevant genre)? It takes a hell of a delusional person to believe PC gaming is as strong as it was a decade ago. Thanks to the internet, finding them is easier than ever

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

vlad321 said:
Branko2166 said:
There is more than enough room for PCs and consoles to co-exist. In fact I think they compliment each other. I love my PC-PS3 combo.


It seems like the PC-Wii is the win/win combination.

I'd say that PC+PS3+PS2+PSP is nicer :D

Through i still need to find cheap psp to finish mine.



BringBackChrono said:
Consoles dont have adventure games?And simulation might just be the most irrelevant genre gaming has right now. And what about PC losing enormous ground in some of its best areas( shooters, RPGs etc)? And what about sports titles(which actually is a relevant genre)? It takes a hell of a delusional person to believe PC gaming is as strong as it was a decade ago. Thanks to the internet, finding them is easier than ever

Consoles have NO adventure games, except the Wii (which has nowhere near the amount of titles as PC).

Simulation is an entire genre, and yet you keep telling yourself that Console games are more varied than PC! HAH!. PC is the only platform big enough to support the simulation genre, unlike consoles.

PC has been losing nothing. Did PC lose Shooters? No, they are merely going multiplatform. And it's consoles that are losing RPGs - There are less and less RPGs coming out on consoles than before. Hell, JRPGs are even starting to come on PC, with the PC version of The Last Remnant releasing before tha PS3 version, and extremely heavy rumours of FFXIII going to PC.

How many RPGs released on 360 in 2008? 8.

How many RPGs released on PC in 2008? 50+.

PC is reeeaaallyyy dieing here!!! PC has never been big on sports games, so there no loss there.

I mean, you have to think before calling PC dead when PC has more games in development than all console combined - 70% of games are being developed on PC, only 43% are developed for consoles.

Thanks, that was a hilarious parody of an article from 2005.


Since then, here's what we've learned:

1) The systems focusing on giving users a "PC experience" aren't turning a profit.

2) All but a few of those PC games are selling well.

3) The console that gives us a true console experience is simply dominating.


The Console-computer experiment is failing just like it did in the 80's.


PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8