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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your top 5 games Metacritic score?

Just wondering do reviews really matter...

1) Grandia = Metacritic:89 (14 reviews)

2) Devil May Cry  - Metacritic 94 (37 reviews)

3)Metal Gear Solid 1 - Metacritic 94 (20 reviews)

4)Final Fantasy X - Metacritic 92 (53 reviews)

5)Tales of Eternia  - 82 (based on 11 reviews)




Take my love, take my land..

Around the Network

Are you just asking for our top 5 games?

Final Fantasy VIII - 90
Metal Gear Solid 4 - 94
Super Mario Bros 3 - none
River City Ransom - none
Black - 79

Grand Theft Auto IV - 98
Call of Duty 4 - 94
Rome: Total War - 92 {soon to be replaced by Empire Total War!}
Final Fantasy X - 91
Uncharted - 88

(I have not checked these, but I am fairly sure they are right)

Burnout Revenge - 89
Left 4 Dead - 90
GTAIV - 98
Splinter Cell - 94
Bioshock - 96


Around the Network

Diablo 2; 88/100
Lunar SSSC; 85% (Game Rankings)
Lunar EB; 90,6% (Game Rankings)
Wacraft 3 Frozen Throne; 90,5% (Game Rankings)
Super Smash Bros Brawl; 94/100

Something like that.

Kinda top 5, other games I could put in there are Rome: Total War, CS 1.6, Tekken 2 and probably more I can't think of.

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


Suikoden II - 82
Final Fantasy Tactics - 83
Persona 4 - 93
Shadow of the Colossus - 91
Portal - 90

final fantasy 12--92% there i said it. jejeje

Half-Life -96
Max Payne-80
Time Splitters 2-90
MGS4- 94
Age Of Empires II- 92


Yea...?Doesn't topic make it clear?



Take my love, take my land..